Evaluate signals and systems using the z-transform

Assignment Help Simulation in MATLAB
Reference no: EM131398368


MATLAB has several functions which allow you to evaluate signals and systems using the z-transform. We will examine these functions in this lab.

1. For the impulse response h[n] = (1/2n -1/3n + (-1/4)n)u[n] find the z-transform. Use the cony function to do the polynomial multiplication.

2. Use the function freqz to plot the phase and magnitude of the above system. Comment on the type of system it is and draw conclusions as to its potential usage.

3. Use fvtool to suggest improvements to the system that will, for example, sharpen the rolloff, flatten the passband, or make the stopband deeper.

Your report should be an informal memo style, giving all information you find and drawing conclusions necessary.

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The present study is meant to understand the need of Z-Transform which operates on discrete time signal. The work specifies the Z-Transform of impulse function. Further the results were operated under various plotting functions to check phase and amplitude of the given system. Different filters can be used for sharpening of roll off. The tedious calculations (multiplication of polynomials) been done using inbuilt function in the matlab.

Reference no: EM131398368

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2/18/2017 12:06:01 AM

Your report should be an informal memo style, giving all information you find and drawing conclusions necessary. what can I do to sharpen the roll off and flatten the passband of a finite impulse response filter

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