Evaluate pros and cons of auditors using check off approach

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM131031700

Please answer the following Problem, and bring up any issues in the article that you find applicable, in about 3 to 4 pages, double-spaced. Notice that the issues in this article are in doubt and the following questions needs your opinion. There is no right or wrong answers. Explain your view and support it with examples.

The authors argue that auditors should not follow a "check off" approach to evaluate tone at the top. Rather, they should be evaluating the psychology of top-level managers and their motivation. Do you agree with this position? Why or why not? How important is psychology in an audit?

Evaluate the pros and cons of auditors using a "check off" approach during the audit in general as compared to trying to figure out managers' motivation. Which approach do you prefer? In your answer, consider different issues such as auditing standards requirements, auditor liability, ethics, investor expectations, cost/benefit and auditor qualification to undertake such a task.

If auditing means verifying the numbers, do auditors cross the line when they try to figure out managers' intentions in general? Does that game put them in the position of managers themselves (i.e. do they have the right to tell managers how to run the business?) Why?

If an auditor follows the suggestions in this article and concludes that an action does not violate GAAP, but is still considered earnings management, should he/she stop it and why?

Article- Assessment of Tone at the Top The Psychology of Control Risk Assessment By Susan S. Lightle, Bud Baker, and Joseph F. Castellano.

Reference no: EM131031700

Questions Cloud

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Evaluate pros and cons of auditors using check off approach : Evaluate the pros and cons of auditors using a "check off" approach during the audit in general as compared to trying to figure out managers' motivation.
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About the process management : Which one of the following statements is best about process management?
About planning projects is false : Which one of the following statements about planning projects is FALSE?
Do you agree that the government should be involved : think of one situation in which the Government is actively involved with the purpose of changing an outcome in the appropriate market. Do you agree that the Government should be involved? Why or why not?


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