Reference no: EM133150476
BSBCMM411 Make presentations
Assessment - Short Answer Questions
Question 1
Complete the table below about collecting and using information to evaluate presentation effectiveness.
• Identify one written and one oral information collection method suitable for seeking feedback in the workplace.
Feedback refers to written, oral and non-verbal responses from audience and/or relevant stakeholders, which can include their views, thoughts, and feelings regarding any presentation aspect, or the presentation overall, and/or your communication style
• Briefly explain how each of the two methods identified can be used to collect feedback on presentations.
• Briefly explain how the feedback collected using each of the two methods identified can be used to review feedback on presentation effectiveness.
Question 2
Assume that you work for Bounce Fitness, a premier provider of fitness and wellness in Australia.
Access and review the following to assist you in identifying obligations and requirements relevant to presentations:
• Copyright Act 1968
• Privacy Act 1988
• Digital Communication Policies and Procedures
• Style Guide
Complete the table below by identifying:
• The obligation of Bounce Fitness from each legislation outlined below relevant to presentations
• The Bounce Fitness organisational document with information on requirements relevant to each legislative obligation
• At least one action that Bounce Fitness must take in their presentations to fulfill the legislative obligation
Question 3
Complete the table below on the structure of presentations:
• Identify at least one presentation structure suitable for achieving each intended outcome specified below.
• Outline the sequence of steps in the appropriate presentation structure for each format identified.
Presentation structure is the flow and sequence in which information (parts and the whole) is to be delivered.
Presentation Outcome Intended
a. Introduce a new product
b. Persuading your audience
c. Share your view or discuss a controversial topic
Question 4
Answer the questions below about the 7 C's of Communication.
a. Identify at least two persuasive communication techniques that promote the principle of Consideration in communication.
b. Identify at least one oral communication technique that promotes the principle of Courteous communication.
c. Identify at least one non-verbal communication technique that promotes the principle of Courteous communication.
Question 5
Assume you are the Centre Manager for Bounce Fitness, a premier provider of fitness and wellness in Australia. You are preparing to conduct a presentation on a new service that will be offered by the business. Not all staff are able to attend in-person as they are travelling between personal training sessions offsite, so your presentation will be delivered in person and virtually.
Bounce Fitness preferred format for both presentation methods is PowerPoint, and Skype is the preferred channel for phone and video conferencing, but you have noted a decrease in team participation due to overuse of these.
You are considering using different formats and channels to increase staff interest and interaction. Identify the following:
• At least three alternative formats to PowerPoint.
• At least three alternative virtual meeting channels.
a. At least three alternative presentation formats to PowerPoint.
Format refers to how you will deliver the information.
b. At least three alternative virtual meeting channels to Skype.
Delivery method refers to the channel through which you will be presenting.
Question 6
Outlined below are common purposes for presentations.
Complete the table below by identifying at least one of each of the following for each purpose:
• Presentation technique
Presentation techniques refer to specific elements or content styles, variations on the usual written or verbal words.
• Presentation aid
Presentation aids are sensory features, or ways information is delivered during the presentation. Visual aids are the most common.
• Presentation material
Presentation materials are physical objects that may be provided to the audience.
Presentation Purpose
a. To entertain
The intent is to amuse or stir emotions of the audience.
b. To inform
The intent is to educate the audience, share, exchange, or discuss information, messages and desired outcomes.
c. To persuade
The intent is to engage the audience and influence their opinion, and/or to accept your perspective, proposed action, or ideal outcome
Assessment 2
Project Overview
This workplace project assessment requires you to plan, conduct and modify at least two presentations.
This assessment is divided into five tasks:
• Task 1: Stakeholder Consultation
• Task 2: Plan Presentations
• Task 3: Develop Visual Aids and Materials
• Task 4: Deliver Presentations
• Task 5: Evaluate and Modify Presentation
This project requires you to complete the assessment tasks in a real workplace, or in an environment with conditions similar to that of a workplace.
Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow and perform these instructions while being observed by the assessor and/or submit any required documentation.
Before starting this assessment, your assessor will discuss with you these tasks, including instructions and guidance for satisfactorily completing them.
You are required to:
• Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll.
• Plan, develop, and deliver at least two different presentations.
• Consult with others to determine requirements and develop effective presentations.
• Select, develop, and apply structures, strategies, methods, techniques, and tools best suited to presentation purpose, objectives, and audience needs.
• Demonstrate written, oral, and non-verbal communication skills.
• Seek, review, evaluate and respond to stakeholder feedback.
• Monitor and respond to audience reactions, needs and expectations.
• Identify improvement opportunities and implement changes to an existing presentation
Task 1: Stakeholder Consultation
Your assessor will observe you as you consult with at least one relevant stakeholder to gather information required to develop at least two presentation plans in Workplace Project Task 2. Relevant stakeholders refer to individuals or groups who have information or guidance on presentations that must be conducted in the workplace.
You will be assessed on your practical skills to:
• Consult with at least one relevant stakeholder to gather information, document requirements, and plan at least two presentations.
Discussion for each presentation must include:
o At least one presentation topic
o At least one presentation purpose
o At least one desired outcome/s
o Target audience
o Key ideas to be presented
o Key concepts to be presented
o At least one presentation method for each presentation
o At least one presentation format for each presentation
o The general structure and sequence you plan to use for each
o At least one presentation strategy for supporting effective presentations
o Aids and materials to support presentation effectiveness
o At least one technique to evaluate presentation effectiveness
• Use listening and questioning techniques to gather information, clarify and confirm requirements
Task 2: Plan Presentations
This task will require you to develop a presentation plan for at least two presentations discussed in Workplace Project Task 1.
To complete this task, you must:
• Review all information gathered during consultation with at least one relevant stakeholder in Workplace Project Task 1
• Develop a presentation plan for each presentation to be conducted in Workplace Project Task 4
Each presentation plan must include the following:
o Title of the presentation
o At least one presentation purpose
o Presentation approach
o Outline of the presentation structure
o At least one intended outcome
o Target audience of the presentation
o At least one delivery method
o At least one presentation format
o At least one strategy for supporting effective presentations
o Aids and materials to support presentation effectiveness
o Resources required for the presentation
Review Workplace Project Task 2 - Assessor Checklist before starting this task. This form outlines the following:
• Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
• All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to this assessment.
Review the template you will use to complete this task. Discuss with your assessor to ensure that the template from your workplace/organisation covers all requirements that apply to this task.
After completing this task, submit at least two presentation plans - one for each presentation to be conducted.
Task 3: Develop Visual Aids and Materials
This task will require you to develop visual aids and materials required by each presentation to be conducted based on presentation plans from Workplace Project Task 2.
To complete this task you must:
• Review each presentation plan developed in Workplace Project Task 2 to identify the following, which must be developed in this task:
o Presentation aids
o Presentation materials
• Develop at least one of each of the following for each presentation to be conducted:
o Visual aid to support audience understanding of the presentation
o Presentation material to support audience understanding of the presentation After completing this task, submit the following to your assessor:
• At least two visual aids
• At least two presentation materials
Task 4: Deliver Presentations
Your assessor will observe you as you deliver at least two presentations based on the presentation plans developed in Workplace Project Task 2.
Use your workplace/organisation's template to complete this task, or use the Participant Feedback Form template provided at the Bounce Fitness site.
You must have completed Workplace Project Task 3 before starting this task. You will be assessed on your practical skills to:
• Deliver at least two presentations based on the presentation plans developed in Workplace Project Task 2
• Use visual aids and presentation materials developed in Workplace Project Task 3
• Tailor your messages and adapt your style and delivery to meet stakeholder needs and expectations
• Modify your communication style based on the needs and expectations of your target audience
• Use listening and questioning techniques to present and clarify information
• Distribute participant feedback forms to the target audience to seek their feedback on your presentation
Before delivering the presentations, review the following:
• Each presentation plan completed in Workplace Project Task 2
• Visual aids and presentation materials developed in Workplace Project Task 3
Review Workplace Project Task 4 - Observation Form before starting this task. This form outlines all the practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete this task. Your assessor will also discuss with you the practical skills outlined in this form prior to the assessment.
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to
this assessment.
Task 5: Evaluate and Modify Presentations
Your assessor will observe you as evaluate the effectiveness of at least two presentations and modify each one based on feedback received.
You will be assessed on your practical skills to:
• Collect and review target audience's feedback from the participant feedback forms distributed in Workplace Project Task 4.
• Consult at least one relevant stakeholders to evaluate and modify each presentation delivered in Workplace Project Task 4
• Evaluate presentation effectiveness against objectives specified in each presentation plan from Workplace Project Task 2
• Use listening and questioning techniques to review feedback and identify any unmet needs or stakeholder expectations
• Identify and document recommended changes to each of your presentations
• Make at least one change to each presentation plan based on the recommended changes
Review the following before starting this task:
• Workplace Project Task 5 - Observation Form
• Workplace Project Task 5 - Assessor's Checklist
These forms outline the following:
• Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
• All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in these forms prior to this assessment. You must also submit evidence of the consultation with a relevant stakeholder.
After completing this task, submit the following to your assessor:
• At least four participant feedback forms
• Documentation of recommended changes This can include:
o Meeting minutes
o Meeting notes
• At least two updated presentation plans
Attachment:- Make presentations.rar