Reference no: EM132910693
Chapter 15 Impact of HR Practices on Or Individualganizational Culture Below are scenarios of critical decisions you may need to make as a manager. Read each question and select one answer from each pair of statements. Then, think about the impact your choice would have on the company's culture.
1. You need to lay off 10 people. Would you
a. lay off the newest 10 people?
b. lay off the 10 people who have the lowest performance evaluations?
2. You need to establish a dress code. Would you
a. ask employees to use their best judgment?
b. create detailed dress code highlighting what is proper and improper?
3. You are considering monitoring employees during work hours. Would you
a. not monitor them because they are professionals and you trust them?
b. install a program monitoring their Web usage to ensure that they are spending work hours actually doing work?
4. You need to conduct performance reviews. Would you
a. evaluate people on the basis of their behaviors?
b. evaluate people on the basis of their results (sales figures and so on)?
5. You need to promote individuals. Would you promote individuals based on
a. seniority?
b. objective performance?