Evaluate organizational training needs of a company

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Reference no: EM133317012 , Length: word count:1100

Discussion - The Training Needs Analysis

Learning outcome 1: Evaluate organizational training needs of a company for the purpose of creating a meaningful training program.


In your Week 2 discussion, you researched mission and vision statements. Those are meant to give company- wide direction. As the department leader, you now have the responsibility of establishing three strategic goals for your department. You will then determine the necessary training for employees as well as how you will measure where or not your strategic goals have been met after the first year.


In this assignment you are to write a 4-6 page paper in which you complete the following:

Determine and discuss how you will measure whether or not your strategic goals have been met after the first year of implementation. In your Organizational Training Needs Analysis:

Be sure to summarize your goals.

Identify and discuss two challenges your department may face to fully meet the goals. Discuss two ways one might mitigate the challenges that could arise.

Develop a training needs analysis for the faculty and staff of your department that:

Identifies one area that is aligned to your strategic goals and explains the need for this specific training.

Includes the following:

Who will provide the training.

Who will participate in each type of training.

What areas you believe are important to the training.

An explanation of the job-specific tasks that will be performed in the training.

Whether this will be ongoing training or one-time sessions. If ongoing, include how often training will take place.

Be sure to support your rationale with scholarly research, using three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

Reference no: EM133317012

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