Reference no: EM133792860 , Length: word count:2000
Understanding the IWA Structure & Planning Guide
Paragraph 1: Introduction.
Introduce the topic.
Introduce research question, argument.
Include evidence from a range of sources.
Mention the different perspectives to be explored. (Minimum 3)
Cite all sources that you have used, including the stimulus materials.
Paragraph 2: Argument:
Explain your argument in detail.
Link your claim with evidence from a range of sources.
Identify and explain the relationship of your inquiry to a theme or connection among at least TWO of the stimulus materials prompted by your reading.
Place your research question in context.
Cite all sources that you have used, including the stimulus materials.
Paragraphs 3 - 6: Perspective
Explain your argument using one perspective in detail.
Link your claim with evidence from a range of sources.
Interpret the evidence to develop a well-reasoned argument that answers the research question and conveys your perspective.
Cite all sources that you have used, including the stimulus materials.
Paragraphs 4 -1. Percopetive
Explain your argument using one perspective in detail.
Link your claim with evidence from a range of sources.
interpret the evidence to develop a well-reasoned argument that answers the research question and conveys your perspective.
Cite all sources that you have used, including the stimulus materials.
Paragraphs 11 - 14: Perspective 3
Explain your argument using one perspective in detail.
Link your claim with evidence from a range of sources.
Interpret the evidence to develop a well reasoned argument that answers the research question and conveys your perspective.
Cite all sources that you have used, including the stimulus materials.
paragraphs 15 -16: Conclusion.
Provide specific resolutions, conclusion or solutions. Discuss this in detail.
Evaluate objections, limitations or competing perspectives and arguments.
Cite all sources that you have used, including the stimulus materials.
2000 words