Evaluate models of diffusion and intention

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Reference no: EM13444

Technological innovations have taken the world by a storm.  The base of innovation has been extremely expeditious within the last decade; such that is it very difficult to identify which innovation has had the most impact on organisations and society. 

Intel's co-founder, Gordon Moore's law of "the number of transistors incorporated in a chip will approximately double every 18 - 24 months" has been continuously proved correct.  And this has facilitated more and more technological innovations to be viable.  Organisations such as Apple and Google are revolutionizing the world by challenging the status quo and changing people's lifestyles.

Out of the many innovations during the past decade, the following are some of the technologies that have had big impacts in organisations.

  • Smart Phones
  • Cloud computing
  • VOIP


Select one of the technologies above and critically analyzes the diffusion of innovation in Sri Lankan context using Geoffrey A Moore's model contributed to Technology Adoption Life Cycle.  

Task 02

Identify an organization that has adopted one of the above-mentioned technologies and critically analyse the following with regards to the adoption:

  • strategic and operational intent
  • internal and external influences
  • acquisition process
  • and financial justification


Reference no: EM13444

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