Reference no: EM133747942
Acquiring and Managing Talent
Talent Identification Assignment
Learning Outcome 1: Evaluate key theoretical and practical conceptions of talent management.
Learning Outcome 2: Solve authentic business problems in talent recruitment, selection and retention practices using relevant research material.
Talent' are those roles within an organisation that are central to value creation and/or competitive advantage. Generally, those classed as talented are:
- 'valuable' (i.e. they are tied to the output of a firm)
- 'rare' (i.e. they are in short supply) and,
- to a lesser extent immovable (i.e. they need to be retained for a certain period of time to be able to deliver outcomes).
Aside from that, there are several contextual factors that influence whether a role would be considered 'talent' or not. For example, the region where business is undertaken, the workforce supply, the level of training required, the level of experience and competence, and sometimes, the level of desirability of the role.
In this task you will choose a real-life organisation* that you have some knowledge** of. The organisation that you choose will also be used in Assessment 2. Using the talent identification concepts learnt in Week 1-2 of this unit, and those obtained through further reading of scholarly and practitioner material, identify and justify which roles in your chosen organisation would be classed as 'talent.'
• In an effort to simulate a professional presentation targeting senior organisational stakeholders, overlaying your face on top of a PowerPoint or equivalent) presentation would be most appropriate.
• ONE Slide - Context counts: It is recommended that you spend approximately 1:30 minutes articulating your chosen case organisation. This will be important to disclose, Components to include in the (5-7 minutes) presentation:
• ONE Slide: - Context counts: It is recommended that you spend approximately 1:30 minutes articulating your chosen case organisation. This will be important to disclose, as a large part of rhya role is considered talent may relate to the business context. The context information would be something such as location, number of employees, industry organisation strategy. type of employees, years in operation, etc.
Name the roles (1-2 roles) you've identified as talent: This component mighttake approximately 30-60 seconds to discuss (theshorter the letter).
• One to FpuR Slides,- Justify your position: offer your reasoning and justification as to by those roles/that role, relative to others, should be considered the talent. If it is helpful, you may use visual models as per Collings & Mellahi's 2009 seminal research paper on the topic) to justify your position.