Evaluate impact effective teams have on quality outcomes

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Reference no: EM133195555 , Length: Word Count: 5 Pages

Assignment - Quality Improvement Through Teamwork Paper

Description - The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the impact effective teams can have on quality outcomes.

To expand quality improvement efforts across disciplines within a health care organization, it is beneficial to create quality assessment teams with representatives from each area of the organization, on both the clinical and administrative sides. Though these teams can choose from a variety of tools to assess quality, they are most effective when they are high-performing and working collaboratively toward a common goal.

For this assignment, write a 1,000-1,250-word paper that addresses the following points:

1. Why are teams a valuable point of focus when considering quality improvement in health care?

2. What distinguishes a team as high-performing within a health care environment? Identify five reasons why high-performing teams are necessary when assessing quality.

3. Discuss how team processes and the varying roles of individuals can impact quality assessment both positively and negatively. Consider elements such as leadership roles, individual responsibilities, delegation of tasks, decision making, ongoing training/education, etc.

4. How does the cross-functionality of a high-performing team enhance its ability to meet the quality improvement goals of a health care organization? How might having an interdisciplinary team potentially create conflict? How could these tensions be mitigated to improve team effectiveness?

5. How do elements such as conflict and change affect the dynamics of the team and its ability to reach a unified goal?

6. Discuss the resources and types of support available that might enhance a team's efforts for continued quality improvement. Consider how components such as team culture, support, communication, and rewards may come into play.

Reference no: EM133195555

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