Reference no: EM13982299 , Length:
Please ensure the assignment brief is read properly and understood.
Module: Managing Change in Organization (Assignment)
Identify one example of significant change that has occurred within the last 5 years within your selected organisation. This may be a change that is still on-going but must have reached a stage where implementation has occurred so that you can access sufficient material to address the assignment.
The example may be strategic, tactical or operational in nature, but it should be significant to the organisation in the sense of resource commitment and the level of impact it will make upon the key stakeholders involved.
Critically evaluate how effectively the process of diagnosing, planning and implementing the change was managed. Assess its success in achieving its original objectives.
Assignment Format
You are not required to use a formal report format, but your assignment should include a title page containing your personal details, the module name, the submission deadline and a word count; a contents page; appendices if relevant; and a full reference list in BU Harvard format. A separate executive summary and conclusion are not required.
You should address all the elements of the assignment tasks and your assignment should show clearly where each task is answered with separate sections for each answer.
There should only be one reference list and set of appendices (if used) placed at the end of the assignment. The maximum word count is 3000 words assignment. Please note material placed in appendices should only be for contextual purposes: only material placed in the main text will attract marks. The word count excludes the title page, executive summary, reference list and appendices.
Formative Feedback
You have the opportunity to submit a one-page outline of your intended assignment to receive formative feedback. Most students prefer to send a list of bullet points re the intended structure and contents of the assignment, but you may send this in any format you wish.
You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the BU Harvard system.
Please ensure references are drawn from the main text listed below, you can also include other articles and text.
• Carnall, C. (2008) 'Managing Change in Organizations', 5th Edition, FT Prentice Hall,
• LondonBurnes, B. (2009) 'Managing Change', 4th Edition, FT/Prentice Hall
• Ackerman. D (1997) Development, Transition or transformation: the question of change in organisations, in Van Eynde, D. et al (Eds), Organisation Development Classics, Jossey Bass, San Francisco.