Reference no: EM131822223
Organisational Behaviour
Research Essay -
All students are required required to develop an arguable proposition on which to write an essay. Your paper should be presented in standard academic essay format. The format must be in 12pt font and 1.5 spaced.
The purpose of this assignment is to develop/improve skills in writing, analysis, and argumentation in addition to adding to the depth of understanding about organizational behavior in the workplace.
You will be assessed on the quality of sources of information, how well you use these resources to support your arguments and your referencing skills.
You are expected to use at least minimum of six (6) different peer-reviewed journals. The use of WIKIPEDIA online encyclopaedia is not allowed. Use of Wikipedia may result in a fail grade in this essay.
You must use the HARVARD referencing system to acknowledge your sources of information (both in-text and as a reference list at the end).
You should submit an electronic copy(Word Document .doc or .docx format) of your assignment to Turnitin only. Please do not supply a hardcopy.
The essay is intended to test aspects of your studies; your ability to comprehend material sourced from lectures, texts and research and, your ability to critically assess this material in a discussion of the essay question.
Essay need to be well supported by relevant research (academic journals mainly).
Essay topic:
In order to encourage productive performance from employees, care needs to be taken with the design of jobs, working conditions, setting of goals, motivation and rewards.
Explain how and why all these factors impact upon productive performance and evaluate how a manager may be able to impact upon the processes across the organisation.
Learning Outcomes Targeted:
Outcome a) Explain how theories of organisational behaviour may be applied in an organisational setting.
Outcome b) Evaluate potential organisational problem situations and formulate proactive managerial interventions, with special sensitivity to cultural, ethical and social concerns.
Outcome c) Locate relevant research and compare and critique the findings on current developments in organisational behaviour
Standard deviation and sample size
: Using the same mean, standard deviation and sample size, how would the error bound change if the confidence level were reduced to 90%? Why?
Compute the working capital and the current ratio
: Compute the working capital, the current ratio, and the quick ratio after each of the following transactions
What is the value of growing perpetuity
: The payments are expected to go on indefinitely and the interest rate is 12%. What is the value of the growing perpetuity?
Prepare a balance sheet for the new corporation
: Tom Makaw decided to incorporate his company on May 31, 20X1, by selling 5,000 shares of stock for $10 each and keeping 10,000 shares for himself.
Evaluate how a manager may be able to impact
: develop/improve skills in writing, analysis, & argumentation in addition to adding to the depth of understanding about organizational behavior in the workplace.
Large investment bank as an assistant to the vice president
: Pamela has received a job offer from a large investment bank as an assistant to the vice president.
Compute return on common stockholders equity
: Flite Corporation has issued common stock only. The company has been successful and has a gross profit rate of 20%
Why is there no coefficient for medium
: a) Why is there no coefficient for Medium? b) Explain how the coefficients of? Small, Large, and Very Large account for the size of the city in the model.
Compute the tax liability for robert a
: You will need Forms 1040, 6251, 8283, 8582, 8949, and Schedules A, B, D, and E to compute the tax liability (including AMT) for Robert A. Kliesh for 2014.