Evaluate harvest city intelligent procurement syste

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Reference no: EM133500971


Based on the "Harvest City: The Intelligent Procurement System Project" Case from Harvard Business Publishing by Lynda M. Applegate, Ramiro Montealegre. Answer the following questions:

Q1). A brief summary of the case, detailing the team's assessment of the current situation, and definition of problems, issues, and opportunities

Q2). Any analysis, conclusions, and recommendations for action. This section defends your definition of the problem and sets up the case for your answers to questions and/or recommended solutions by drawing references from the case facts and data.

Q3). Answer the below specific questions:

1. Evaluate the implementation of the Harvest City intelligent procurement system. What do you believe were the key factors that contributed to the project's failure? Who do you feel is the "most" at fault (e.g.; Mayor, Venso's CEO, Harvest City's CEO, others?)

2. What was the sequence of problems and when did they occur during the implementation process? What could have been done at different stages of the implementation to prevent the problems? What could have been differently to respond once a problem occurred?

3. How should Venso's CEO respond to Harvest City Corporation's decision to impose a $5,000 per day penalty and require that Venso assume the 1.25 Million USD cost of building a conventional system for each tenant?

Q4). If needed, this is optional/only if needed, add appendices as needed to support analysis and/or answers.

Reference no: EM133500971

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