Evaluate factors that influence skeletal and muscular health

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133341126


The Skeletal & Muscular Systems

The skeletal and muscular systems allow you to interact with and manipulate the environment around you. However, there are various factors that can interfere with the proper functioning of these organ systems, from a fracture to an overuse injury to a joint disease.

You will evaluate two case studies related to some of the factors that influence skeletal and muscular health. Respond to the two topics below.

1. Naomi is a left-handed, 18-year-old tennis player who has been training to compete in the upcoming U.S. Open. During the winter break, Naomi decided to ski with her friends. She slipped on the ice and attempted to brace for the fall by stretching both arms out. She was surprised to find that, despite landing on both arms, only her right arm was fractured.

  • What might explain why only her right arm was fractured, despite her landing on both arms with the same force? How would you test your hypothesis?
  • What are the different ways a doctor may treat her fractured bone?
  • Let's say that Naomi was a 45-year-old female approaching menopause. Would you expect her risk of having a more severe fracture to increase or decrease? Why?
  • Have you or someone you know had a fracture? How was it treated? What was the outcome?

2. Alexi is a baseball player who has been using anabolic steroids to enhance his performance.

  • What are anabolic steroids?
  • How do steroids enhance an athlete's performance?
  • What are the potential side effects of anabolic steroid use?
  • If you were coaching Alexi's team, what would you advise? What are other ways to improve athletic performance?

Reference no: EM133341126

Questions Cloud

What was the special type of macromolecule : What was the special type of macromolecule was discussed in Unit 1 attend that was a form of protein? Discuss why shape is important in their function.
Describe morphologic changes of cell adaptation : Please describe the types and morphologic changes of cell adaptation. Please describe the differences between rheumatic endocarditis and infective endocarditis.
Describe the proteins involved : A concept map of of mTOR pathway To illustrate its pathway. To describe the proteins involved, the signal being sent and the cellular response.
Why is used as negative control for testing anti-a antibody : Explain how agglutination of R805 is caused by the interaction of antigens and antibodies? Why is 0+ used as a negative control for testing anti-A antibody?
Evaluate factors that influence skeletal and muscular health : You will evaluate two case studies related to some of the factors that influence skeletal and muscular health.
Why carbohydrates need to be restricted in the weight loss : Discuss why carbohydrates need to be restricted in the weight loss programme by referring to the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in the body.
Explain the radiographic images of the restorative materials : Explain the radiographic images of the restorative materials 21 and 36, and compare them with the radiographic images of the restorative materials of teeth 12.
Why dental restorative materials can produce a radiopaque : Give reasons why dental restorative materials can produce a radiopaque appearance on radiographs.
Explain right type of ceramic dental material used for tooth : Choose and explain the right type of ceramic dental material used for tooth 21 in the case.


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