Evaluate ethical implications of decision

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133169489

Learning Objectives

Examine the process involved with problem formulation.

Apply critical thinking to problem identification.

Apply decision-making techniques.

Determine factors affecting decision implementation.

Evaluate resources and actions required for implementation.

Evaluate ethical implications of a decision.

Evaluate decision-making outcomes and processes.


Examine a business issue of your choosing that has ethical implications.

For example, research the arguments (both for and against) regarding advertising to children, paying a living wage, requiring union membership, or selling tobacco.

Research and present the leading opinions and comment on the validity of the arguments. Which side is more compelling? Why.

Reference no: EM133169489

Questions Cloud

Financial planning and statements : Why is developing a financial plan so important for an entrepreneur starting a business.
Delivered project to your customer : You have now delivered the project to your customer. The project was delivered ahead of schedule, as requested by your project sponsor,
Past Position : Were you given the opportunity to take on a new role to better utilize your strengths and skills? How did this affect your performance?
Netflix-financial health analysis commentary : Start by briefly providing some high-level comments on Netflix's financial statements for the last five years.
Evaluate ethical implications of decision : Evaluate resources and actions required for implementation. Evaluate ethical implications of a decision. Apply decision-making techniques.
Leaked movie trailer and confidentiality agreement : What are acceptable and unacceptable requirements of a confidentiality agreement with an employee? What is the harm in a leaked trailer?
Quality Improvement-Case of the Variable Laminates : Design an experiment that will assist the process engineers use in determining what actions to take to reduce laminate thickness variation.
Fertility drugs and ovarian cancer : Stanford University medical researchers conducted a study on the correlation between the use of fertility drugs and ovarian cancer.
Performance inprovement case study : Identify how a patient-centered care perspective would have changed the experience of both Nigel and Joan.


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