Evaluate elements dealing with global value chain management

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131870889

Question: Evaluate 21 elements dealing with Global Value Chain Management

In your paper, apply the 21 elements [budgeting, competitive advantage, corporate social responsibility, culture, customer need, external resources, financial, goals, idea generation, information management, infrastructure, leadership, people - human resources, people - customers, people - shareholders, political (external), political (internal), product development, strategy, supply chain management, technological considerations] taken from both the Contemporary Value Chain model and additional decision-making factors, to evaluate the impact of globalization on a value chain. All elements are related to the ultimate goal to earn customer value (includes customer delight and profitability).

Within each element, describe what decisions may need to be made, for what reason, by whom, for what reason and how the elements are interrelated.

Reference no: EM131870889

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