Evaluate economic issues and problems based on the bible

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM13865722 , Length:


Write a paper of no more than 2,000 words that develops a framework and method and then applies it to managerial decisions. The paper should use the Harvard style. This means that there will not be footnotes, and that citations/references are "worked into" the regular text. Please see a copy of the Harvard Business Review in the Regent Library databases for examples. Your paper must be supported with significant research from assigned readings and the Regent Library databases.

Develop your own framework and process/method for evaluating economic issues and problems based on the Bible. Describe your approach in enough detail that the reader can apply it to real world problems.

Apply your framework and method to at least two quite different managerial decisions in order to demonstrate its broad usefulness and applicability to decisions a manager faces. Provide enough information (briefly and concisely) in each of your hypothetical examples to allow the reader to see how your biblical approach grappled with a difficult fact pattern and led to a biblically-based decision. NOTE: the applications should be issues that a manager is likely to face, such as employee relations (hiring, correcting, firing, etc.), contracts with other businesses, marketing decisions, etc. Do not apply it to controversial public issues, such as government policies.

You will do that in the Major Project.

To jumpstart your thinking and give you some guidance about content, see the attached Sample Appoach

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Reference no: EM13865722

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MGMT 3306: Solve the assignment problems, 1. Please answer the assignment questions in this docx file and save once you’re satisfied. Assignment 3covers the lectures slides for Week 6.

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