Evaluate delivering the strategic direction of organization

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133214965


You have successfully gained a junior management role in the UK in an organization called Vista, which is a multi-national company. This is an interesting time for the business as it has decided to review its mission, vision, and strategic direction. In this process, the Board wishes to involve staff at various levels in the organization and it has established a series of teams that will look at the strategy and give feedback on their work to the Board. You have been asked to join Team Singapore, which comprises staff from across the company. It will work virtually before meeting in Singapore for a final face-to-face session.

This is an exciting opportunity for your personal and career development and you are keen to make the most of it.


Whilst completing the above tasks your team has decided that there is clearly a number of strategic options to consider. With this in mind, you decide to model strategy options for a smaller organization as an illustration. Produce a document for circulation which develops:

  • strategy options for a chosen organization, using modeling tools
  • criteria for reviewing the potential strategic options.

To gain a merit grade you must also

apply the criteria and evaluate the options for delivering the strategic direction of the organization you have chosen.

Reference no: EM133214965

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