Evaluate context of selected strategic changes

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131548016 , Length: word count:2500

Assignment Question:

In today's global economy, Banks and Financial Institutions face rapid and irreversible changes across technology, customer behaviour and regulation.

Selecting up to two examples of strategic change impacting on a banking/ finance related organisation of your choice

1. Use models and theories of corporate strategy (e.g. PESTLE, Mintzberg, Porter) and strategic change (e.g. Lewin's force field analysis) to introduce, describe and evaluate the context of your selected strategic changes. 1500 words

2. Critically identify and evaluate the role of leadership in the organisational change you identify in (1).

1000 words


Please focus on the assignment, answering all parts and use theory selectively to support your arguments. You may also quote from industry/company/financial press sources. Please also make sure your referencing of all sources is to an established convention and standard. If in doubt use "Harvard" referencing. You need to consult with at least 20 academic references to develop your argument.

Marking criteria

Knowledge of the subject area, including academic debates and any recent or anticipated developments

Structure of answer, including the coherent development of arguments and the use of an introduction and conclusion

Focus on the question asked, including the ability to determine what is relevant and the omission of superfluous information/material

Use of appropriate sources, including journal articles, books and authoritative reports

Originality of interpretation, Including depths of analysis and the ability to present arguments based on sound reasoning

Standard of presentation, including the use of language and grammar, layout of the text, footnote referencing, bibliography and adherence to the stipulated word limit

Reference no: EM131548016

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6/29/2017 2:32:44 AM

kindly note 2,500 words only which does not include references Please focus on the assignment, answering all parts and use theory selectively to support your arguments. You may also quote from industry/company/financial press sources. Please also make sure your referencing of all sources is to an established convention and standard. If in doubt use "Harvard" referencing. You need to consult with at least 20 academic references to develop your argument. Knowledge of the subject area, including academic debates and any recent or anticipated developments Structure of answer, including the coherent development of arguments and the use of an introduction and conclusion Focus on the question asked, including the ability to determine what is relevant and the omission of superfluous information/material Use of appropriate sources, including journal articles, books and authoritative reports Standard of presentation, including the use of language and grammar, layout of the text, footnote referencing, bibliography and adherence to the stipulated word limit

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