Evaluate basic research strategies in detail

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Reference no: EM132246800

Question: Healthcare administrators, managers, and executives are responsible for planning, directing, and coordinating health services at various levels for the populations they serve. Interpreting research is integral to the role of a healthcare professional, especially when conducting a needs assessment for program planning.

In this course, you will choose a clinical area of interest related to healthcare administration and create an annotated bibliography. For your final assessment, you will compose an integrated review. In this review, you will discuss the criteria necessary for inclusion or exclusion in the research study, critique the quality of each study, and present a synthesis of the results.

This integrated review will address the following course outcomes:

1. Critique ethical issues in healthcare research for their influence on compliance with rules and regulations

2. Evaluate basic research strategies applicable to healthcare settings for informing research proposals

3. Assess the appropriateness of utilizing secondary databases in healthcare research as an alternative to conducting original research

4. Justify the selection of specific data analysis methodology in published healthcare research for informing healthcare research methodology

5. Select healthcare administration issues to research in validating the need for program evaluation


Using the six peer-reviewed literature articles from your annotated bibliography, compose an integrated review that focuses on a clinical issue of interest. Ensure that the topic of this integrated review is viewed from the perspective of a healthcare professional who is looking to validate the need for program evaluation at your hospital, even if your annotated bibliography was not this focused.

Specifically, your integrated review should focus on the following critical elements:

I. Abstract

Craft a well-drafted abstract. Be sure to adhere to the guidelines from the latest edition of the American Psychological Association's style guide. Consider the appropriate length for your audience.

II. Introduction

a) State the purpose, aims, or objectives of the integrated review. What do you wish to achieve through the drafting of this review? Be explicit in your answer.

b) Introduce the topic of interest. Why is this topic the focus of the review?

c) What is the research question you are going to focus on? If you were to prepare a research proposal, what would your hypothesis be? Why?

d) What variables are of interest to you? How will these variables help you throughout this integrated review? Be sure to label the types of variables each of these are.

e) Discuss the background and significance of the problem to healthcare administration.

Reference no: EM132246800

Questions Cloud

Develop an algorithm to effectively search this data : Your company has won a bid on a contract to collect and sort Internet data on customer buying patterns for laundry detergent.
How will the nominal group technique be used to achieve goal : How will the nominal group technique be used to achieve this goal? How will the members of the team work together (guidelines for effective participation)?
Explain the concept of layers of security : An important principle in information security is the concept of layers of security, which is often referred to as layered security, or defense in depth.
Explain what mtc needs to do : To successfully implement this technology solution, MTC will need to develop an Implementation Plan.
Evaluate basic research strategies in detail : Evaluate basic research strategies applicable to healthcare settings for informing research proposals. Assess the appropriateness of utilizing secondary.
Identify the marketing vehicles you plan to use : Identify the marketing vehicles you plan to use to build your company's brand. Justify the key reasons why they will be effective. Provide examples of other.
Define product or service of specific low-labor-cost country : Describe a product or service of a specific low-labor-cost country as an example. Include a recommendation of a low-labor-cost country based on inputs.
Explain the major components of your marketing plan : Create a 700-word plan for market penetration of a 3-year period of time: Explain the major components of your marketing plan.
Discuss industry magazine about a specific arbitration case : Some topics to consider, but not limited to, bargaining, negotiations, norms, and zone of possible agreement. The article must have been published in the past.


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