Evaluate appropriate business research methodologies

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131033813 , Length: word count:1500


At Holmes Institute, the Master of Business Administration, Graduate Diploma in Business and the Master of Professional Accounting programs offer domestic and international students the opportunity to study a set of contemporary subjects in the field of business. These subjects prepare students for the challenges in business environments of the 21st century. These programs emphasize the global and cross-cultural dimensions of business. Teaching utilizes a combination of delivery methods and includes critical analysis and case study methods. A combination of exams, case studies and company analysis are used in assessment.

The Masters' programs of Holmes Institute focus on:

Developing career related capabilities
Business numeracy and literacy
Developing managerial proficiency
Working in the new economy
Leadership skills
Social responsibility and ethics


On successful completion of this subject you will have the ability to:

1. Evaluate appropriate business research methodologies and apply them to support decision-making.

2. Formulate research questions for business decision-making projects.

3. Compare various qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and techniques.

4. Assess statistical procedures to solve business problems and explore opportunities.

5. Apply statistical procedures in SPSS® and Microsoft Excel to undertake business data analysis and modelling.

6. Compose management reports containing recommendations and analytical research outcomes.


To be eligible to pass this subject, students must complete all forms of assessment and demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes. All assignments must be submitted electronically using a word processor, uploaded to Blackboard via SafeAssign. You must print and attach the full SafeAssign report with the Holmes Institute Cover Sheet to the printed assignment (hard copy). The assignment cover sheet must include the student/s name, number, subject code and subject name, subject lecturer's name, assignment due date and time of submission. All hard copies must be submitted to the designated Assignment Submission Facility on Campus during opening hours.

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Reference no: EM131033813

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