Reference no: EM13838337 , Length:
The Subject is Marketing and Communications for Events, Report format - Determine the key objectives for a marketing communications plan based on a specific event and provide recommendations for appropriate communication channels to meet these objectives
The Victoria Racing Club has one major sponsor for each of their Melbourne Cup Carnival racedays. The key race dates during spring carnival are listed below. More information on the Melbourne Cup Carnival can be found on the website
Event name:
AAMI Victoria Derby Day
Saturday 31 October
Emirates Melbourne Cup
Tuesday 3 November
Crown Oaks Day
Thursday 5 November
Emirates Stakes Day
Saturday 7 November
As part of the current sponsorship deal, sponsors are entitled to host a marquee for consumers. Your role as an Event Sponsorship Executive is to promote the event to consumers and use media to promote the major sponsors to the broader community.
Choose one of the above events and develop a creative strategy that promotes collaboration with stakeholders for a positive public perception. The creative strategy should include appropriate communication channels that are based on 2 event objectives and 2 key sponsor related communication objectives. Evaluate any potential issues (such as ambush marketing) and provide recommendations how to overcome those issues.
This should be presented in a written report format. Guidelines are below:
- Introduction
- Background
- Target audiences for one major race day
- 2 event objectives
- 2 sponsor related key communication objectives
- Choose and evaluate the appropriate communication channels that meet the event and
sponsor objectives
- Evaluate any potential issues (ambush marketing etc.)
- Recommendations - how to address any issues that may arise
- Reference List
- Appendix (if applicable)