Evaluate and apply tools and techniques

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Reference no: EM133495929

Venture Ideation

Assessment - Infographic Pitch

Learning Outcome 1: Evaluate and apply tools and techniques for entrepreneurial ideation.

Learning Outcome 2: Communicate business case for entrepreneurial venture effectively and persuasively to potential stakeholder.

Learning Outcome 3: Reflect on entrepreneurial ideation process and stakeholder feedback.

Task Summary

The purpose of this assessment is to provide an opportunity to present 1-page Infographic Pitch as a communication tool to your business idea, as developed and improved through feedback in your Assessment 2: Business Case Canvas.

The Infographic Pitch is used to present an idea to stakeholders and potentially to investors, and to be delivered in a brief period. It is the most important presentation tool for a start-up business, and a useful tool for organisational intrapraneurs pitching to time poor senior managers to gain their attention and, more importantly, funding dollars to proceed with the project.

Task Instructions

You will need to develop a dynamic, interactive 1-page infographic presentation pitch that uses clear and concise language, and a logical flow of ideas. The aim of your presentation

is to convince someone to invest money and therefore, you need to be as compelling as possible.

Suggested Content of your 1-page Infographic Pitch:
• An "opener" (engage the audience)
• All elements of the business idea covered in the 1-page infographic with the key elements presented in your pitch
• Closing tag line - why this idea/venture is worth investing in.

• A 1-page infographic to be submitted via Blackboard
• You must be visible in the pitch for up to 5 minutes in length.
• Must include references.
• If accepted in advance, alternative, and creative ways of making the presentation will be rewarded.

Include the following elements in your pitch:

1. Explain the focus of the pitch, including identified stakeholder types you are pitching to in this assessment.
2. Communicate the vision for the business idea. For example, what the idea is and why it matters to the stakeholders.
3. Introduction to the team, including an outline your own capabilities. If you have chosen an idea you are working on with others, you should include them as well. This information will increase success by giving the listeners confidence that you have adequate background to deliver this solution (30 seconds maximum).
4. Global market size and growth rate opportunity over a specific period.
5. Identification of competitors, how you meet a need in the market and the gap you are proposing to fill.
6. Strategy or approach for how the business idea will be developed and approach the market. It should include goals over a specific period, for instance, 3 years.
7. Value proposition - how your idea will add value to the user/customer.
8. Operational approach - how the product or service will be produced or integrated within the supply chain partnerships, as well as any other operational activities you have identified.
9. Profit and revenue model - how customers will pay you and how much.
10. Risks or barriers in the business from internal and external sources and your strategies around how you are covering those or mitigating them.
11. Outline any financial capital you are seeking from investors or banks, what you will use it for and over what period.

It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.

Reference no: EM133495929

Questions Cloud

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Evaluate and apply tools and techniques : ENT102 Venture Ideation, Torrens University Evaluate and apply tools and techniques for entrepreneurial ideation and Reflect on entrepreneurial ideation process
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8/15/2023 10:13:38 PM

Hello, I have this assessment for next Sunday Im thinking that a prezi would be a good idea for this presentation. attaching my previous assessment on which this assessment is based and the power point slides, if you need some extra information or something please let me know. Thanks for your support.

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