Reference no: EM133826786
Homework: Foundation of Leadership & Management
Identify two leadership theories/models/approaches and critically review and discuss their application to a healthcare setting of your choice.
For this summative assessment, you are required to identify and critically review and discuss two leadership theories and their application to a healthcare setting of your choice. For this homework you need to:
1. Identify two leadership theories/models/frameworks. These can either be ones that have been critiqued during the module or other theories that you have analysed.
2. Provide a brief description of what the theory/model/approach is, who the main author(s) is, where it arose from and when, and what are its key characteristics/elements.
3. Critically review your chosen approaches by analysing their strengths and weaknesses, and their evidence bases.
4. Consider and discuss the application of your leadership theories/models/frameworks to a healthcare setting of your choice. This can be done as a separate section after you have reviewed the approaches, or within your analysis.
Exemplar: There is an example of a good homework for you to look at, but note, you must not copy any of the paper as this will be considered as plagiarism and invoke the Academic Misconduct policy. In addition, note that although this assessment has been provided as a good example, it is not perfect.
Learning Outcomes:
This is a 2,500 words piece of work and is worth 100% of the total marks for this module and will assess the following Module Learning Outcomes:
1. Evaluate and apply theories of leadership and management and critically review the evidence base of effective organisational leadership and management.
2. Have critical understanding of current contemporary issues in leadership and management within healthcare.
3. Have critical understanding of current contemporary issues in leadership and management within healthcare.
4. Develop their self-awareness and leadership and management impact and influence through using a critical reflective approach of their own practice and using feedback from others.