Evaluate and apply aspects of data science applications

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132505262

CIS7031 Programming for Data Analysis - Cardiff Metropolitan University

This assessment is designed to demonstrate a student's completion of the following Learning Outcomes:

Learning Outcome 1: Critically analyse and evaluate various statistical and computational techniques for analysing datasets and determine the most appropriate technique for a business problem;

Learning Outcome 2: Critically evaluate, develop and implement solutions for processing datasets and solving complex problems in variousenvironments using relevant programming paradigms;

Learning Outcome 3: Evaluate and apply key steps and issues involved in data preparation, cleaning, exploring, creating, optimizing and evaluating models;

Learning Outcome 4: Evaluate and apply aspects of data science applications and their use.

Assessment Requirements

This assignment will use employment data of Wales from the StatsWales data source. This dataset provides workplace employment estimates, or estimates of total jobs, for Wales and its NUTS2 areas, along with comparable UK data disaggregated by industry section.
For this assignment students will undertake a data analysis and machine learning approach to reveal the workplace employment landscape of Wales.

Part 1. Data processing
1.1. Download the dataset for the period 2009 - 2018 and create a dataframe that concatenates Wales (total)employment value only.
1.2. Check for any null value or outlier. If found replace that with mean value.
1.3. Change the name of the industries as bellow
The final data frame should look like following

Part 2. Data analysis
For each question provide graph/chart along with your own interpretation (~ 50 words)
2.1. Which industry employed highest and lowest workers over the period?
2.2. Which industry has the highest and lowest overall growth over the period?
2.3. Which years are the best and worst performing year in relation to number of employment. (highest and lowest employment)

Part 3. Visual analysis
Create a dynamic scatter/bubble plot showing the change of workforce number over the period using Plotly express.

Part 4. Correlation
4.1. Taking average employment number for each industry over the period, show and identify the highest and lowest correlated industries.
4.2. Make a year wise correlation for each industry. Does the aforementioned industries are also correlated over the each year? Explain your answer.

Part 5. Clustering (k means&hierarchical)
5.1. Using the best and worst performing year column's employment data (2.3) undertake a K means clustering analysis (K=2 & 3) and identify industries cluster together. Writeyour own interpretation (~100 words).
5.2. Using the same dataset (best & worst performing) create a hierarchical cluster. Compare the cluster with k means clusters.

Part  6. Discussion
Provide a brief discussion (~ 300 words) on employment landscape of Wales based on the employment data analysis results.

Attachment:- Python assesment.rar

Reference no: EM132505262

Questions Cloud

Explain the concept of market failure : Explain the concept of market failure and give examples
Event on the equilibrium price and quantity of beef : If the price of tea increases and at the same time, robots are developed which prove to lower the cost of production of coffee. In the market for coffee
Compute the cost of the inventory on december : Compute the cost of the inventory on December 31, 2020, assuming that the inventory at retail is $412,020 and $511,210 for Sheridan Department Store
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Evaluate and apply aspects of data science applications : Evaluate and apply aspects of data science applications and their use and evaluate various statistical and computational techniques for analysing datasets
Solve the depreciation expense for the years : A plant asset acquired on October 1, 2016,Assuming a December 31st year end calculate the depreciation expense for the years 2016 and 2017 using straight line.
African american versus white american unemployment ratio : What impact do you predict this would have on: a. the African American versus White American unemployment ratio, Explain? b. the labor force participation rate
Discuss some challenges the organisation is facing to comply : Discuss some challenges the organisation is facing to comply with these standards. (Support your research findings with any companies or private organization)
Describe four factors that affect a firms dividend policy : Describe any four actions a company suffering from overtrading could take to rectify its position, and explain the likely effect of the actions you propose


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