Evaluate analytics models to uncover hidden patterns

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Reference no: EM133516961 , Length: word count:4000

Business Analytics and Visualisation

Learning Outcome 1: Critically analyse the role of business analytics in supporting decision making in a modern organisation, with a focus of working with different data formats and data wrangling techniques;

Learning Outcome 2: Investigate and assess different analytics solutions in open source environments to develop effective visualisations;

Learning Outcome 3: Evaluate analytics models to uncover hidden patterns in business data and understand relationships between variables;

Learning Outcome 4: Deconstruct and exemplify data communication strategies through reproducible reporting and collaborative practices with version control; and,

Learning Outcome 5: Exemplify creative and innovative problem-solving of complex professional challenges through the application data analytics in the business domain. the purpose here

The purpose of this assessment task is to:
- Demonstrate your data wrangling and visualisation skills
- Demonstrate your knowledge and skills in developing models with a focus on classification and regression algorithms
- Evaluate developed models and identify bottlenecks and improvements
- Develop a solution to the business problem and communicate your findings to stakeholders


For this project you are provided with a real-world scenario, related dataset and some background information. You select the dataset, explore it and find useful "insights". Those "insights" should address the business problem that the dataset relates to. This is where you can "unleash" your creative potential. You are not provided with specific instructions on data wrangling, viz or modelling but need to work with a problem and suggest a solution based on data. Make sure you show how your insights are helpful to the business as the ultimate goal is to use data to provide a recommendation. There are several parts in your project and you are required to describe each stage in the report that you develop for submission.

1. Working in your group, select the case you want to work on and notify the instructor. Only one group can work on each case.

2. Review the case and identify the business problem to address. This problem should be worded as a QUESTION that addresses the ? identified business problem.
eg: How can we increase sales using the provided data?

3. It is recommended that you split this problem into sub-steps or sub¬problems that would allow you to gradually build the solution: Subquestion 1: which customer characteristics predict the item they purchase?
Subquestion 2: how can the volume of sales be predicted using the item characteristics?
You need to have at least two subquestions: one will be solved using
the regression model and another one will be solved using the classification model.
You need to demonstrate how this deconstruction addresses the overarching problem solution (i.e. your QUESTION).

4. Use data wrangling and data viz approaches to explore the dataset in relation to the identified QUESTION and SUBQUESTIONS. Each data manipulation and data viz needs to add value to resolve the identified problem and help with decision making.
This step forms the part of your written report which you prepare as a Word document and submit as part of your report.
You need to explain what your new insights your data wrangling and data viz provide.

5. Develop at least 2 models addressing the problem using regression and classification approaches. The development of the model should be based on your knowledge, additional research and the problem to address. It should NOT be based only on the availability of data.
Explain your reasoning in developing your models and justify them. You must use at least one classification and one regression algorithm
This step forms the part of your written report which you prepare as a Word document and submit as part of your report.

6. Evaluate your developed models and discuss how they "answer" your QUESTION and SUBQUESTIONS and help to resolve the identified business problem.

This step forms the part of your written report which you prepare as a Word document and submit as part of your report.

7. Develop a communication document (business report) with your findings for your stakeholder/s. You need to report your findings in easy to understand and visually supported way - this IS your report which should be prepared using business report style.

8. For tips and hints watch: how to write a business report

9. Your conclusion should be a STORY TELLING, rather than a report on steps completed. You need to present management with options to resolve the identified problem.

10. Document evidence of the group work being undertaken, eg: minutes of the meetings, workload distribution documentation.
You can use Microsoft Office template for minutes or any other template.

11. For some tips and advice on how to write minutes for meetings, watch this video a

12. Select your group representative to submit your business report and evidence of group work in the allocated dropbox on VU Collaborate

13. Use the following file naming conventions for your submission: Family name, first name, Assessment 3, Business report

14. Submissions: The students are required to submit three files.
1- A word document as report (not a pdf)
2- A Jupyter Notebook file
3- Document evidence of the group work being undertaken.. (item10)
Please don't submit a Zip file

1. Use PPT or any other suitable software to create slides for your presentation
2. Record this presentation as a video pitch (10min) using Panopto Zoom or any other suitable software
3. Present your data analysis with a focus on telling the story of the data
4. Make sure you address the problem of your report
5. Communicate actionable insights for the wider business
6. Pitch the above insights to the intended stakeholders
7. Select your group representative to submit your video file/link to the allocated dropbox on VU Collaborate
8. Use the following file naming conventions for your submission:Family name, first name, Assessment 3Business report
9. Your presentation will be viewed during Session 13 so be prepared to respond to any questions from the audience

Reference no: EM133516961

Questions Cloud

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