Evaluate a structure in the built-environment

Assignment Help Mechanical Engineering
Reference no: EM132250068

Project details

This project requires you to interpret and evaluate a structure in the built-environment. Engineers make decisions on materials, member shape and the connections for the individual members that make up a structure based on their understanding of how each of them performs under loads and over time. This project requires you to be that engineer and consider how these factors influence material choice and building shape.

You will be required to investigate the "Life Cycle Tower (LCT) ONE" located in Austria. This is to be used as the case study structure for this assignment.

Descriptive tasks

Respond to the following tasks using the headings provided.


1. Provide a summary of the structure detailing the design philosophy of the structure (consider aesthetics, function and design statements) (~150 words)

2. Annotate on pictures of the structure all elements that contribute to the structural dead load. For each element, also indicate the material used. You may need to use at least 3 different pictures to show all internal and external elements.

3. What is the total mass (dead load) of this structure? Detail all calculations and clearly state and summarise the assumptions that you have made. Some advice has been provided at the end of the task sheet on what should be considered and ignored. The presentation and explanation of the calculations is more important than the final numbers.

Dynamic loads

4. Create a live loading plan for the apartment floor layout (pg. 5 of drawings) for the building. The plan should consist of a floor plan with different areas highlighted based on different usage (e.g. storage) and a legend indicating the use and the associated design pressure based on AS1170.1.

5. Determine the Vr for the structure based on AS1170.2. You may assume the structure was built on Bond University Campus. Ensure that you detail all assumptions/factors that you have used. (You only need to calculate the VR which is the regional wind speed. So, do not consider shielding, terrain, topography etc.)


6. The structure is built primarily from concrete, timber and steel. Give two issues common to the steel and concrete and describe how the issue was/should have been managed. (Hint: you could create a list of issues for each material and then detail the appropriate management strategy for each). High quality responses to this task will require you to provide evidence (either from a photo or literature) of the management strategy specific to the LCT.

7. The design of a building made primary from timber often requires extensive management strategies around the control of fire and durability. What strategies were employed by the designers of this building for fire and durability and identify if there are other solutions available for the management/design of the above issues. High quality responses to this task will require you to provide evidence (either from a photo or literature) of the management strategy specific to the LCT.

Structural elements and systems

8. Draw the load path for a person standing on the roof. Use the drawing on page 12 for the plan view and page 13 for the elevation view.

9. Draw the wind load path (use the drawings on page 12 and 13). Only one wind direction is needed.


10. How is stability provided to the building? You must consider both primary directions (i.e. longitudinal and cross wind directions)

11. Evaluate how the structure would be different if concrete shear walls were not used. Give two alternatives and for each alternative, describe how it would affect the architectural layout of the building should that method be adopted (e.g. floor to floor height).

12. If the earthquake loading became the critical loading case, describe two earthquake design/management systems that could be implemented into the structure. Which one do you think would be most suited to this building? Justify your choice.

Tributary areas

13. According to the plan of page 10 of the drawings, draw the tributary areas for each of the glulam flooring beams.

Flooring systems

14. Discuss how the structure would have been different if the designers used a timber flat plate system (i.e. CLT panels) instead of a glulam beam system. This discussion could address things such as column placement, placement of services, floor to floor height, material usage etc.

Soils and Foundations - 15 marks Geotechnical testing

15. Create an outline of the geotechnical tests (give just 5) that would have been conducted prior to the design and construction of the structure and footings. Outline the purpose of each test and how its result can impact on the design of the foundations (e.g. a high shear strength means that simple raft/pad footing may be used while a low shear strength may mean that deep foundations are needed).

Footing systems

16. Identify the footing system of this structure. Draw a cross section (from the bottom of the 2nd floor slab to the bottom of the piles) of this footing and label all elements. Details of the foundation may be difficult to find for this building so you may provide your recommendation for the footing system.

17. Considering the serviceability criteria of deflection, identify and calculate the limits for all relevant building components of the Life Cycle Tower (LCT) ONE. Use the limits prescribed by the Australian Standards. (See Table C1 AS1170.0)

Research task - Concrete admixtures

18. Most concrete manufactured today has some type of admixture added to it to increase its performance or constructability. Identify five different admixtures that can be added. For each admixture, describe its purpose and any drawbacks to using said admixture.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132250068

Questions Cloud

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3/7/2019 1:08:01 AM

Extensive referencing throughout report and referencing format is correct and consistent. A very wide variety of references are used Thoroughly referencing throughout report and referencing format is correct and consistent. A wide variety of references are used Sound referencing throughout report and referencing format is correct and consistent. A variety of references are used Limited referencing throughout report and referencing format is mostly correct and consistent. A limited variety of references are used Limited referencing through the report with only one or two sources used.


3/7/2019 1:07:54 AM

All tables and figures are relevant and very well presented with highly effective descriptions. Report elements (title page, contents page, heading and reference list etc.) are included All tables and figures are relevant and well presented with effective descriptions. Report elements (title page, contents page, heading and reference list etc.) are included All tables and figures are relevant and satisfactorily presented with descriptions. Report elements (title page, contents page, heading and reference list etc.) are included Most tables and figures are relevant with basic descriptions. Report elements (title page, contents page, heading and reference list etc.) are included Tables and figures are difficult to read with no figure titles. Many report elements are missing.


3/7/2019 1:07:50 AM

Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of additional factors (inc. deflection, vibration and indirect actions) which may influence the design and construction of a building Demonstrates a detailed understanding of additional factors (inc. deflection, vibration and indirect actions) which may influence the design and construction of a building Demonstrates a solid understanding of additional factors (inc. deflection, vibration and indirect actions) which may influence the design and construction of a building Demonstrates some understanding of additional factors (inc. deflection, vibration and indirect actions) which may influence the design and construction of a building Limited understanding of additional features is presented.


3/7/2019 1:07:30 AM

Materials Effectively identifies crucial issues with building materials and extensively evaluates the effective management of these issues in the design process Identifies crucial issues with building materials and evaluates in detail the effective management of these issues in the design process Identifies crucial issues with building materials and provides solid evaluation of the effective management of these issues in the design process Identifies the main issues with building materials and evaluates basic management of these issues Identifies one or no material issue with limited discussion relating to its management.


3/7/2019 1:07:20 AM

___/19 marks Interprets and applies the Australian Standards to identify and calculate loading factors with a high degree of accuracy (including visual and written documentation) Interprets and applies the Australian Standards to identify and calculate loading factors with a high degree of accuracy (including visual and written documentation) Interprets and applies the Australian Standards to identify and calculate loading factors with accuracy (including visual and written documentation) Demonstrates some ability to identify and calculate dead loads. Calculations can be mostly followed and assumptions are generally defined. Limited/incomplete interpretation the Australian Standards and their application to the Brock Commons structure


3/7/2019 1:07:13 AM

Loading Demonstrates a thorough ability to identify and calculate dead loads. All calculations are transparent and all assumptions (and their impact) are clear and comprehensively defined. Demonstrates a well developed ability to identify and calculate dead loads. All calculations are well outlined and all assumptions (and their impact) are clearly defined. Demonstrates a sound ability to identify and calculate dead loads. All calculations are outlined and all assumptions (and their impact) are defined. Interprets and applies Australian Standards to identify and calculate loading factors (provides some visual and written documentation) Limited evidence of ability to identify and calculate dead loads. Calculations are either not evident or difficult to follow


3/7/2019 1:07:05 AM

HD – 85%+ D – 75-85% C – 65-75% P – 50-65% F – <50% Introduction A succinct, thorough and highly effective summary of the building is presented. All statements are comprehensively cited. A thorough and effective summary of the building is presented. All statements are well cited. A detailed summary of the building is presented. All statements are cited. A summary of the building is presented. Most statements are referenced. The introduction does not adequately summarise the ___/4 marks structure and the design intent.


3/7/2019 12:55:41 AM

Library Support – 15% of your marks are for referencing, presentation and expression! This may be the first research-based assignment for many of you at Bond University, so we encourage you to use the resources available at the library when referencing and writing your report. While they cannot help with the actual content, they can help you find reliable sources and help you structure your sentences and report.


3/7/2019 12:55:31 AM

• A marking rubric will be provided by week 7 which will detail the expectations for each response. • Concise ‘dot-point’ style responses are encouraged where appropriate (e.g. task 3) while an essay style response is may needed to some tasks (e.g. task 1). • You are encouraged to use sub-headings to make your report easier to read. • As part of a research assignment you are expected to use referencing (including in-text citation and a suitable reference list). Harvard referencing style is preferred. You will find information on this on the library website.


3/7/2019 12:55:23 AM

• The remaining 15 marks is attributed to formatting, sentence structure, use of concise and effective language and presentation throughout your assignment. Hint: all figures and table need a number and a description! • Where you cannot find information on a certain topic specific to the LCT, you will need to research how other buildings have design for said topic. • There is no set word limit for this assignment. Tasks will be marked based on the appropriate formatting and expectations as outlined in rubric.

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