Reference no: EM132170424 , Length: 3 pages
In this essay, you will be building on your descriptive writing skills to evaluate a public service announcement (PSA). You will need to use evaluation moving forward in your essays to make judgements about what you are writing about and to assess the research/sources you use in your writing.
A PSA, or public service announcement, is exactly what it sounds like: an announcement to the public designed to raise awareness about a subject. A PSA does not work if it does not in some way appeal to the audience. In this assignment, you will be evaluating ONE of the following PSAs to answer this question: Why or why not was the PSA effective?
Assignment Requirements
The PSA should be cited in your essay in proper APA format with in-text citations and a reference. Then, you will need to evaluate the advertisement for these categories (at least one paragraph for each category). You may use the questions as a guide for what to put in the essay:
- Structure
o How was the PSA structured? How did the PSA develop from beginning to end? In what way did the structure of the PSA draw you into it?
- Purpose and Message
o What do you consider the purpose of the overall PSA? In other words, why was the PSA made? What is the message of the PSA? How clearly was the PSA's message presented?
- Audience
o Who specifically was the PSA created for? How well does the PSA appeal to the audience?
Third Person Objective Writing
Please do not use first (I, me) or second (you, your) person in this essay. To remain objective, stick to third (he, she, they, one) person throughout the assignment.
- You are writing an evaluation, not an argument essay. The essay needs to include the selected PSA. The purpose of an evaluation is to objectively evaluate the subject and using third person will help you remain objective.
Length, Organization, and Grammar
The organization of this essay should follow the basic five paragraph structure. Within that structure, you should place the essay in a logical order that focuses on the elements your are evaluating. Please also keep the following things in mind:
- This essay itself should be three pages in length. The assignment should also include an APA-style title page and headers, be double spaced, written in 12 point Times New Roman font, have 1 inch margins, and include a reference page for the PSA video.
- Include the following-
o Begin with an introduction that sets up the subject you are evaluating, the specific criteria, and ends with a thesis statement highlighting your evaluation.
o Make sure that you consider all aspects of the evaluation in the body paragraphs, specifically structure, purpose and message, and audience.
o The final paragraph should be a conclusion that sums up the main points of the evaluation and offers the reader any final thoughts on the video.
- Any direct quote from the video should follow this formatting: (Company, year, time). Any paraphrase or summary from the video should follow this formatting: (Company, year). Please include citations after any evidence used from the PSA.
- Your writing should be free of punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors and contain appropriate word choice for an academic setting with clear sentence structure.
Attachment:- Evaluative Writing.rar