Evaluate a companys publicly available ESG report

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Reference no: EM133570471 , Length: word count:2500

Students will evaluate a company's publicly available ESG (environmental, social and governance) report. This evaluation will be presented as a report.

The word count is 2,500.

Students are allowed to use generative AI tools (ChatGPT, Bard AI, Bing AI, etc). The contribution made using these generative AI tools must be cited. NOTE: It is critically important that the contribution made by these generative AI tools be cross-referenced to what is being taught in this unit and to the textbook.

The report should have the following content:

Headings & word count Description
• Executive summary (300 words) Summarises the findings of the report.
• Table of Content Outlines the report headings.
• Introduction (500 words) • What is ESG reporting, and what are the benefits?
• What are the ESG reporting frameworks, and which approach is used by the selected company?
• An overview of the selected company.
• What are the legal implications of ESG reporting for the selected company?
• Evaluation - Scope (900 words) • Environmental factors: Information about the organisation's impact on the environment, including water and waste management, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy consumption

• Social factors: Information on the company's social impact, including labour practices, human rights policies, community involvement, DE&I, and privacy policies

• Governance factors: Information about the company's governance structure and practices, including the company's leadership structure, compensation, risk management, and business ethics

• Goals and performance: Measurable targets for ESG performance

• ESG reporting framework: The ESG reporting standards or frameworks used to create the ESG report (e.g., GRI, SASB)

• Stakeholder engagement: How stakeholders' factor ESG into strategy

• Risks and opportunities: Identification of potential ESG impacts on the company's performance and sustainability

• ESG strategy: An explanation of the company's ESG strategy, including its priorities, initiatives, and plans

• External assurance: Independent verification or assurance of ESG data and processes
• Evaluation - Critical analysis (600 words) 

• Availability and accuracy of data: Obtaining reliable and comprehensive ESG reporting data can be a complex and time-consuming process that involves sourcing data from diverse stakeholders (e.g., suppliers, subsidiaries)
• Data standardisation: Without uniformity across ESG reporting frameworks, businesses may find comparing and benchmarking ESG performance difficult. How well did this company do it?
• Determining materiality: Identifying the most material ESG issues can be a hefty task, requiring businesses to assess the impact and importance of ESG factors within specific industries, operations, and stakeholder contexts. How well did this company do it?
• Alignment with corporate strategy: Businesses may struggle with integrating ESG initiatives and ESG reporting into their corporate strategy, which is crucial to ensuring sustainable ESG reporting practices. How well did this company do it?
• Communication and transparency: Relaying ESG reporting data clearly and concisely can be challenging as companies need to balance providing meaningful information while avoiding greenwashing. How well did this company do it?
• Conclusion (200 words) 

• Highlights the findings of the report.

Note: Want to do report on TATA Motors company.

Reference no: EM133570471

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11/14/2023 11:54:45 PM

This are requirements and instructions for the assignment. I choose TATA Motors for this assignment so I want report on TATA Motors. 2500 Words

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