Ethical standards in data science and psychology

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Reference no: EM133615769

Discussion Thread: Ethical Standards in Data Science and Psychology

Scenario :

You are a member of a team of social workers studying the relationship between social media use and depression among women. The study is funded by both government and industry organizations, including some social media companies. The supervising researcher of your team has been meeting often with representatives from one of these social media companies. When asked, she says that they are just discussing general study guidelines that everyone knows about. However, you later overhear that the company has offered your supervisor stock options and a paid position on an advisory board when the study is concluded, which she has accepted. You ask her to disclose this connection in the author notes of the paper that will soon be published, but she refuses, saying "it's not a big deal and there's no point raising a fuss."

Reference no: EM133615769

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