Reference no: EM132855397
Business Research and Planning
1. Choose one of the businesses listed below and evaluate its chances for success. Be sure to include authoritative sources from your research that supports your conclusion? Include market niche targeted, advertising or signage requirements, business location considerations, employee skills and/or training requirements, a rough estimate of the initial investment, and an estimate of the time frame to start up.
A. An organic juice company with retail stores located in large malls that also manufactures and distributes from a start up position in San Antonio, Texas.
B. An internet distribution business for high-end coffees, teas, herbal drinks, and specialty soft drinks
2. Research and explore a potential entrepreneurial venture you may be interested in undertaking at some time in the future (Income tax business in the USA). Provide us with the name of your proposed business(Access Tax Services) as well an elevator pitch as to why you feel this business will be successful.
An Elevator Pitch is a quick summary of the idea. It's named for time it should take to deliver it-the duration of a short elevator ride (roughly 30 to 60 seconds or 75 words). Elevator pitches are sometimes thought to be specific to an idea or a product, but you can also use it to sell yourself as a professional. In this assignment we need your elevator pitch to be about proposed idea for business or product. If you are proposing to start a consulting firm, then it can be used to sell yourself as a professional.
Market Targeting and Competitive Analysis
3. Provide us with the name of your proposed business as well as a mission statement and vision statement (Access Tax Group). Please take some time to select a business venture that you are interested in as we will ask you to work on this venture throughout the course and it will be the subject of your final paper. Please see the week seven final paper for full details on this assignment.
A vision statement focuses on tomorrow and what an organization wants to ultimately become. A mission statement focuses on today and what an organization does to achieve it.
• Mission statement questions look like:
• What do we do?
• Whom do we serve?
• How do we serve them?
• The vision statement is about what you want to become. It's aspirational.
• Vision statement questions look like:
• What are our hopes and dreams?
• What problem are we solving for the greater good?
• Who and what are we inspiring to change?
Locate information regarding the products or services to analyze the potential for the venture, and to begin analyzing the potential for this business and developing the elevator pitch. Use the Word template attached to complete this assignment and for all following essays. Complete all citations and references utilizing APA 7th form and style
This assignment only needs to be 3 to 5 paragraphs long, but we would still like to see APA formatting including citation and referencing where necessary.
4. Choose a nationally known business for which you have some experience with, knowledge of, and/or you respect as a well-run company. That business can be a restaurant, a retail store, or any other organization you find intriguing. Do online research and find credible resources that define who their target markets are. You will need to go to the specific business's web site for insight. You will also want to go into sites that assess this segment of the market. Add any insights of your own at the end of your posting. Define this organizations market in terms of region and target demographics (age, gender, income, psycho graphics, businesspersons or recreational) of their customer base. Also see if you can define who, what, or where they have little to no customer base and why?
Money and Finance
5. A assume you are in the throws of finalizing a start up business you have been dreaming of for years (tax business). It is almost time to forage out on your own into the business world as an entrepreneur, but you need $500,000 in start up capital. You have an opportunity to convince a group of "Angel Investors" of the potential for the venture you have been working on in previous weeks. Your task is to convince your classmates (your potential Angel Investors) that they should each contribute $50,000 in start up money. You are looking for 10 investors you will offer a 5% share of your venture; you will maintain 50% ownership. So the first question from your potential Angel Investors is to project where revenue growth will come from and your logic for where that projected revenue growth will come from? You've done your homework on how to grow your business in stages over the next 3 years. You have already given them the projected income statements for the next three years. What your potential investors ask you is to support your projected growth. Numbers are fine, but they are not necessary as your investors already have your financial projections. They want to see your insight into how you will grow the business during the first three years. Start your posting with a short explanation of the venture you are interested in setting up. Then logically, methodically, and clearly how you can support the growth projections you have given your Angel Investors. Be sure to include what evidence you can offer, to show the need for this venture. Remember, your logic needs to be good enough that 10 fellow students will invest $50,000.
Marketing and Sales
6. Explain the framework for a basic marketing plan for the startup venture you have been considering (tax services). Keep this plan basic, start with one store. In creating a marketing plan framework, cover what elements you believe are most important to have in place for the initial start up. Your goal is be profitable in year 1 so think about and explain your logic for each part of the start up marketing plan.
Legal, Ethical, and Social Responsibilities Issues Facing the Entrepreneurs
7. Compile three bullet lists that address the three to five most important:
• Legal issues an entrepreneur must plan to address before the business is up and running?
• Ethical issues an entrepreneur must contend while setting up their business?
• Social responsibilities an entrepreneur must consider while choosing a community to locate in and while hiring employee
Globalization and Growth
8. provider the following information.
• What 3 strategies can most affect rapid growth in an entrepreneurial venture? Explain your reasoning.
• What 3 traits of an entrepreneur can most positively affect entrepreneurial growth? Explain your reasoning.
• What 3 habits of an entrepreneur can most negatively affect entrepreneurial growth? Explain your reasoning.
Attachment:- Business Research and Planning.rar