Ethical issues related to business data analytics

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Reference no: EM133313842

Business Statistics and Data Analytics

Learning Outcome 1: Understand the basic methods of research and statistical analysis in business.
Learning Outcome 2: Critically apply business statistics and analytical tools to real-life scenarios using case studies, individual and team consulting-based assignments, presentations, and software tools.
Learning Outcome 3: Gain a solid theoretical foundation and quantitative analytical skills, alongside practical problem- solving techniques by using SPSS / SAS Enterprise software for "Data Analytics for Business".
Learning Outcome 4: Develop the key skills that you need to succeed in future careers and build your employability skills as part of your basic toolkit for life.
Learning Outcome 5: Assess the ethical issues related to business data analytics.

Assignment A: A group of assignment will involve small teams of students presenting and demonstrating a set of deliverables based on the key elements studied during the semester. The assignment is designed to allow students to demonstrate skills learnt in the module and to be delivered using methods/systems commonly used in business. Teams will be formed at the beginning of the semester and students will remain in these teams throughout the semester and for the final summative assessment. Once the teams have been created each team will work on a case assigned to an organisation that they would like to base their work on (the choice will need to be agreed by all team members and the tutor), and will act as a team of consultants who will present their findings to the client in the final presentation. Whilst the organisations chosen must be real, teams might perform primary research with them if possible, but will use secondary sources when carrying out their investigations. In line with this, the presentations will be to members of the teaching team who will act as representatives of the chosen organisation and some representatives from the organisation (if possible). In other words, the involvement of the organisation is not necessarily required, but ethical considerations must be adhered to. It is hoped that this approach will provide flexibility for teams to choose an organisation that is more closely related to their discipline and/or interests. The group presentation will take place in week 12 and all teams will deliver a 15-20 minutes' presentation to at least 2 members of the module team and a representative from the selected organisation (if possible), if not the staff will act as representatives of the organisation selected by the team. There will also be 5 minutes of questions. Each team will submit electronic copies of their presentation and deliverables prior to the presentation sessions. Teams may provide appropriate paper handouts at the beginning of the presentation.

The current world situation in 2020 faces the outbreak of a new strain of Coronavirus, known as COVID-19 Disease. This disease affects most countries in the world (World Health Organization, 2020). Starting in the spring of 2020, the outbreak of COVID-19 caused UK universities to close their campuses and forced them to initiate online teaching. This has made UK universities increasingly use online teaching and different learning tools compared to the past. Furthermore, the provision and usage of online teaching and e-learning becoming the most important challenge for many UK universities during the COVID-19 pandemic. E-learning systems such as Moodle and Blackboard have several fantastic tools and features that would be valuable for use during this COVID-19 Quarantine Time. However, the sudden move to online teaching and the successful usage of new online teaching tools relies on understanding the user acceptance and the adoption factors that face the current user the UK universities. Therefore, your case will focus on the user's acceptance of online teaching in the UK Higher Universities COVID-19 Quarantine Time.

You will be divided into groups; each group will find data and create a case regarding (Covid-19 and Online Teaching):

Covid-19 and Online Teaching - Case Study:

- You are working in "XYZ consulting company" and Northumbria University (NU) asked you to analyse users' acceptance regarding online teaching tools in NU During COVID-19 Quarantine Time.
- So, your team has "Business Analytic Experts" and are required to assess and analyse the case based on statistical and analytical tools by using: Business Case Scenario - SAS - SPSS

Your presentation & analysis should include the following stages:

- Formulation:
- Identify Business case Scenario
- Importance of the case
- Secondary Data to be analysed (The data will be given to you OR you can create your own if you want).

- Analytic Tools: Like (SAS and SPSS software) to be used as analytic tools to evaluate the case that will be identified.

- Appraisal (i.e. Conclusions and interpret the results of your analysis with a recommendation).

Assignment (B)

The individual assignment must be submitted in the assessment period following the taught elements. You will be required to produce (a 3000-word report) related to the importance and critical evaluation of the factors that affect the successful and effective use of data analytics tools and statistical analysis in business (Such as SAS and SPSS). You need to refer to and use different examples and cases in your assignment and justify your choices. You should also discuss how useful any statistical or data analytics tools (such as SAS & SPSS) have been used in group work-work. The report must include a critical evaluate and be supported by theory and reflective comments.

"Think analytically, rigorously, and systematically about a business problem and come up with a solution that leverages the available data." - Michael O'Connell, chief analytics officer, TIBCO.

Big data is a term that describes the large volume of data, both structured and unstructured data that inundates a business on daily basis. For most organisations, big data is the reality of doing business and if it is managed and analysed well, it can deliver powerful insights. Big data can be analysed statistically for insights that lead to better decisions and strategic business moves. There are different software used nowadays in organisations based on different innovative, trusted technology and passionate connection to move the world forward by transforming data into intelligence.

A lot of organisations work with data in the business environment, using statistical, mathematical, and business analytics skills. Accordingly, in this assignment, you need to show how organisations can get benefit from big data analysis and business statistical analysis. So, you need to criticise and evaluate the factors that affect the successful and effective use and implementation of different data analytics tools and statistical analysis in business such as (SAS and SPSS).

You need to refer to and use different examples and cases in your assignment and justify your choices. You should also discuss how useful any statistical or data analytics tools such as (SAS & SPSS) have been used in your group work. Furthermore, you can highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the enablers and barriers regarding the use of data analytics and business statistical tools in organisations. The report must include a critical evaluation supported by theory and reflective comments based on what you have learned in this module.

As an individual, you will write a 3000-word report that must include the following:
A. A short introduction giving background, context, and an outline of the report
B. Defining Business Statistics & Data Analytics and a critical appraisal of the use and implementation of different analytics tools in organisations and the resources required for its implementation and deployment in organisations.
C. A critical appraisal and analysis of the factors (Barriers & Drivers) that affect the implementation and the use of Business Statistics & Data Analytics in organisations. You need to refer to some examples from organisations regarding successful and/or failure cases
D. A conclusion providing an overall summary of the key points made and any recommendations for the successful implementation and use of Business Statistics & Data Analytics in organisations
E. The report must be supported by academic references and examples and include a single reference list. See below for further guidelines on formatting and word limits

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The purpose of the report: to visualize data using SAS and SPSS software and compare the results.The data set: the data set used for the visualization should be specified, including the number of observations and variables.The visualization methods: the specific visualization techniques used in SAS and SPSS should be specified, including any customization or formatting options used.The results: the report should include the visualizations created using SAS and SPSS and a comparison of the results.

Reference no: EM133313842

Questions Cloud

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Ethical issues related to business data analytics : BM9716 BUSINESS STATISTICS AND DATA ANALYTICS Northumbria University, Critically apply business statistics and analytical tools to real-life scenarios
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