Ethical implications of leader role in socialization

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Reference no: EM133492583


Discuss the ethical implications of a leader's role in the socialization of new hires into the preexisting culture of an organization. What responsibility does a company have to inform newly hired persons that it wants to shape their values, perceptions, and behavior to conform to the organization's culture? What impact does the leader's informed values and individual behavior have on organizational effectiveness? Considering the Christian concept of putting others before oneself as well as what you have learned in this course about servant leadership and conscious capitalism; explain the impact on company culture and organizational effectiveness.

Reference no: EM133492583

Questions Cloud

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Ethical implications of leader role in socialization : Discuss the ethical implications of a leader's role in the socialization of new hires into the preexisting culture of an organization.
Describe the home improvement product or service : Describe the home improvement product or service you selected and what it is meant to accomplish. Who are the stakeholders of this product?
Evaluate the role and various forms of outsourcing : Explain the role of the manager in the export process. Evaluate the role and various forms of outsourcing.
What is the purpose of technical or procedural manual : What's the purpose of a technical or procedural manual? What's the key to overcoming a paradox in proposal writing for a reader and writer?
Important means of payment for international trade : Do many CIS economies use L/Cs as an important means of payment for international trade? Discuss.


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