Reference no: EM132973783
I. Briefly answer the following questions in not more than five sentences.
1. Compare and contrast Affirmative Action Programs and Diversity Management. How does each of the two address diversity in the workplace?
2. Explain the dimensions of national culture. Discuss why it is important in organizations with international participation.
3. In the context of organizational behavior, explain the concept of "Think Globally, Act Locally" in maintaining a global brand. You may relate this with discussion of the dimensions of culture.
II. A question of ethics.
Emotional intelligence-the ability to understand and manage one's own and other people's moods and emotions-can be increased through training. When people are high on emotional intelligence, they are better able to understand and use emotions to influence others. However, people can be influenced in positive and negative ways. As an example of the latter, historical atrocities and cult tragedies have been attributed to the ability of certain individuals to have high levels of influence over others.
Questions (Briefly answer the following questions in not more than five sentences.)
1. What are the ethical implications of emotional intelligence training?
2. What steps can organizations take to ensure that employees' emotional intelligence is put to good use and not used for personal gain or unethical purposes?