Ethical dilemma-you are claims manager at local office

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Reference no: EM131704100

Ethical Dilemma: Paper Assignment 2 presents you with an ethical dilemma. Read the scenario and decide which way you would decide to go with this and then construct the appropriate document

You are a claims manager at the local office of a national insurance company. A claim for insurance coverage has come in from a pet store that is going out of business. A clerk at the store claims to have been severely traumatized after she assisted in euthanizing 13 young and healthy dogs that the store could neither sell, nor donate and could no longer afford to feed and house. Reading the details in the claim makes you ill. Your administrative assistant George Smith, has always been scrupulous about keeping claims information confidential, but this time he decides to leak the case to a newspaper reporter. Public outrage about the dog killing is almost immediate, and the police are investigating. While you admire George for making a heroic decision, he has violated the client’s privacy and your district supervisor is insisting that George be terminated. Write a letter to George explaining why he is losing his job. Or write a memo to your district supervisor explaining why George deserves to keep his job.

You decide which way to go with this. Choose either the letter to George or the memo to your supervisor, not both. Make sure you make a convincing argument for whichever one you choose.

Reference no: EM131704100

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