Ethical and legal standards for testing

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Reference no: EM1359621

Using information in the APA (2000) and APA (2009) articles on responsibilities and rights of test takers and test users, discuss why it is important to have ethical and legal standards for testing. What knowledge, skills, and abilities are necessary for competent test use? What are the standards regarding confidentiality and privacy of test taker information, test scores, and test interpretation? What do you feel is the most important responsibility of a test user and why?

Reference no: EM1359621

Questions Cloud

Organizational cultures - impact on decision making : Find a qualitative, a quantitative and a mixed methodology study on any of the 3 mentioned topics above. Share the title of each and share the abstract of each in your own words.
Write procedures using counter and sychronisation techniques : Write the following procedures: woman_wants_to_enter, man_wants_to_enter, woman_leaves, man_leaves, using counters and sychronisation techniques to ensure that the correct behaviour will occur.
Calculate the age of your son : Suppose you plan to start saving for your son's college education. He will begin college when he turns eighteen years old and will need $4,000 at that time and in each of the following three years.
Swot analysis in the healthcare industry : SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors.
Ethical and legal standards for testing : Using information in the APA (2000) and APA (2009) articles on responsibilities and rights of test takers and test users, discuss why it is important to have ethical and legal standards for testing.
Calculate daily expenditure and firm annual savings : XieCorp is analyzing the performance of its cash management. On average, the company holds inventory 65 days, pays its suppliers in 35 days, and collects its receivables in fifteen days.
Counselors work with clients : Select two ethical, legal, and/or professional issues and reflect on how they might impact a counselor's court testimony and/or a counselor's work with clients.
Calculate npv of the campaign : Piano Tuners Unlimited is planning a promotional campaign at cost $6,000,000. The resultant after tax cash flows would be $500,000 each year in the absence of debt, and appropriate discount rate for an unlevered PTU would be 7.5 percent.
Guidelines to pre-test the designed survey : One of the guidelines is to pre-test the designed survey on a few participants to see what might be unclear or weak in the survey design.


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