Ethical and legal aspects of advertising

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131596566

Ethical and Legal Aspects of Advertising

Every industry or profession is subject to a certain set of ethical and legal responsibilities, and advertising is no exception. Use the Ashford University Library to find one scholarly article that discusses one of the specific ethical and/or legal responsibilities of the advertiser.

Then, search the web for an example of an advertisement or advertising campaign that reflects this responsibility, and discuss the extent to which meeting this ethical and/or legal responsibility allows the advertiser to avoid social criticisms.

Provide the URL link to the advertisement you have discussed.

Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words and be supported by your text and at least one professional or academic source. Your post must also be organized using APA style headings as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Reference no: EM131596566

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Ethical and legal aspects of advertising : Every industry or profession is subject to a certain set of ethical and legal responsibilities, and advertising is no exception.
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