Reference no: EM1318037
In 1947, the Framingham Study (Kannel, Dawber, Kagan, Revotskie7 &. Stokes, 1961) examined the development of heart disease in healthy volunteers. Since then, it has provided many insights into the risk: factors for various types of heart disease.
This discussion exercise considers data from one of its earliest published reports.
Table in the original published report describes the Incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) after six years of follow-up in men and women who were 40-59 years old at the time of their Initial examination.
The data for women is summarized sis follows:
Of the 445 women in this age group with initial cholesterol levels less than 210 mg/dL, there were 8 CHD onsets.
Of the 527 women in this age group with serum cholesterol levels between 210 and 244 mg/dL, there were 16 CHD onsets.
Of the 689 women in this age group with cholesterol values of at least 245 mg/dL, there were 30 CHD onsets.
Using the data for women, complete an analysis of CHD incidence in women similar to the one completed for men.