Estimating the product demand

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1331142

Why is knowing or estimating the product demand so crucial for a firm? Include an example of a business that has suffered from poorly estimating the demand of its products. EvaluatAssume you are the contracting officer. For each question, decide whether the disclosure of information to the contractor would be unfair to other offerors and explain why. How would you respond and to whom?

1. Contractor: May I ask some questions about this Request for Proposal for upgrading pollution-control devices?

2. Contractor: I don't understand the clause on progress payments. Can you explain it to me in English?

3. Contractor: How much does the government expect to pay for this contract? If I give you a proposal for $300,000, would I be in the ballpark?

4. Contractor: I believe paragraph 8 of the specification is ambiguous. As I read it the requirement for replacing the filter support bracket is based on the assumption that rebuilding the filter adds significantly to its weight. However, my rebuilt filters only weigh a couple of pounds more than the originals. Is it okay if I base my proposal on the assumption that I may leave the existing brackets in place?

5. Contractor: Can you at least tell me whom I am competing against?e how or why the business made such a mistake.

Reference no: EM1331142

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