Reference no: EM131477849
Study Guide for Exam
After studying for exam, you should be able to:
Derive thermal conductivity, viscosity, and diffusion constant of a molecule in terms of its mass and radius (or diameter) starting from the general flux equation.
Compute thermal conductivity, viscosity, and diffusion constant of a molecule using its mass and radius (or diameter).
Derive the rms displacement of a random-walking particle in terms of its diffusion constant and diffusion time from the time-dependent diffusion profile n*(z, t).
Estimate the rms displacement of a random-walking particle using its diffusion constant and diffusion time.
Derive the kinetic rate of a diffusion-controlled bi-molecular reaction (A + B → P) in terms of solvent viscosity and reactants' radii. Assume that the concentration of B in the immediate vicinity to A, or B(R), and the Stokes-Einstein equation are given.
Estimate the kinetic rate of a diffusion-controlled bi-molecular reaction (A + B → P) using solvent viscosity and reactants' radii.
Derive the formula describing the effect of the ionic strength of the reaction medium on the rate constant of a reaction between charged reactants.
Derive the rate constant of an electron transfer reaction in terms of the re-organization energy and the free energy change of the reaction.
Explain the significance of the Marcus inverted region (i.e. explain why the rate of an electron transfer reaction would decrease with increasing free energy change of the reaction in the inverted region).