Estimate the magnitude and location of the resultant force

Assignment Help Other Management
Reference no: EM13632525

A water tower sits atop a residential building as shown in the figure below. A 0.3m X 0.3m patch was used to repair damage from a recent storm. Water is supplied to the building via a 0.2m diameter main that connects to a faucet in the building's courtyard via a 0.014m diameter pipe. The faucet has an exit diameter of 0.02m and discharges water vertically.

a) Estimate the magnitude and location of the resultant force on the water tower patch.

b) Estimate the pressure at the flange when the faucet is CLOSED.

c) Estimate the pressure at the flange when the faucet is OPEN.

b) When the faucet is OPEN, estimate the mass flow rate of the water exiting the faucet.

c) Estimate the force on the flange when the faucet is OPEN.

Reference no: EM13632525

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