Estimate the hourly production and unit cost of excavation

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131478199

Question: A tractor-mounted ripper will be used for excavating a limestone having a seismic velocity of 6000 ft/s (1830 m/s). Field tests indicate that the ripper can obtain satisfactory rock fracturing to a depth of 2 ft (0.61 m) with one pass of a single ripper shank at 3-ft (0.91-m) intervals. Average ripping speed for each 400-ft (122-m) pass is 1.5 mi/h (2.4 km/h). Maneuver and tum time at the end of each pass averages 0.3 min. Job efficiency is estimated at 0.70. Machine cost, including the operator, is $130/h. Estimate the hourly production and unit cost of excavation.

Reference no: EM131478199

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