Estimate the bulk density of the bag contents

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13881653

Limestone (calcium carbonate) particles are stored in 50-L bags. The void fraction of the particulate matter is 0.30 (liter of void space per liter of total volume) and the specific gravity of solid calcium carbonate is 2.93.

(a) Estimate the bulk density of the bag contents (kg CaCO3/liter of total volume).

(b) Estimate the weight (W) of the filled bags. State what you are neglecting in your estimate.

(c) The contents of three bags are fed to a ball mill, a device something like a rotating clothes dryer containing steel balls. The tumbling action of the balls crushes the limestone particles and turns them into a powder. The limestone coming out of the mill is put back into 50-L bags. Would the limestone (i) just fill three bags, (ii) fall short of filling three bags, or (iii) more than three bags? Briefly explain your answer.

Reference no: EM13881653

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