Estimate portfolio expected return and beta

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM132286603

Case study on Finance

case company - COH

At the beginning of Week 4, you will be assigned an ASX listed company as the context for this assignment. At that time, you can find your case company's ASX code in ‘Grades and Feedback'.

All input data you need to find for calculations in this assignment must be sourced from S&P Capital IQ. To use this database, you will need to apply for a user account. Instructions and the link to the database can be found in the Web Links section of this unit's MySCU site. Please read those instructions carefully and set your account up early in the session.

Attempt each of the following sections in your assignment submission:

1. TVM and bond valuation questions:

a. Your case company has just made a large sale on an instalment contract. The contract requires the customer to pay your case company the amount shown in Table 1 (page 4 of this document) at the end of every month for 4 years. Your case company would like the cash now for an investment and so has asked its bank to discount the instalment contract and pay it the discounted value. The bank will discount the contract at 7% APR, compounded monthly. How much cash will your case company receive from the bank?

b. Your company has annual operating revenue as shown in Table 1. Assume this revenue will grow continuously at the annual rate shown in Table 1. What is your prediction for annual operating revenue in 5 years?

c. Your company needs to borrow funds and has several options available to it, Loans A, B and C. The interest rates (APR) for these options are given in Table 1. What is the EAR of the loan option the company should choose?

d. Your company is buying new property for the amount given in Table 1. To finance this, the company's bank has offered an amortised loan at 3.8% APR, quarterly compounding, with 10 years of monthly payments. What quarterly payment will the company have to make on this loan? Assume that the entire property cost is financed and that payments are made at the end of each period.

e. Your company has an issue of $100 par value annual coupon bonds with 8 years remaining until maturity. The annual coupon rate is given in Table 1, along with the current price of the bonds. What is the yield to maturity on the bonds?

f. Your company has an issue of $1,000 par value bonds that offer a 7% coupon rate paid semi- annually. The bonds have 6 years remaining until maturity. The market's required return on these bonds is given in Table 1. What is the amount of each coupon payment?

2. Risk and return estimates:

a. Use CAPM to estimate the expected return for the shares of: i) your case company; and ii) a hypothetical company with a negative beta of -0.20 as at 5 April, 2019. To do this, use the yield to maturity on that date of a 10-year Australian Government bond as a proxy for the risk- free rate, assume the market risk premium is 6% and use the company's most recent 5 year beta.

b. Using the data from part 2a, estimate portfolio expected return and beta, assuming a portfolio made up of your case company and the hypothetical company in equal weighting.

3. Risk and return analysis:

a. Drawing on expectations from theory and incorporating the overall context of your chosen company, discuss and interpret the risk and return measures from parts 2a and 2b. You may include additional measures. If so, clearly source the data and ensure you clearly explain your calculations.

Attachment:- Business Case Studies.rar

Verified Expert

CAPM is an important theory for estimating the expected return of the equity share by measuring beta value. Beta measures the relative risk between the security and the market. The developed portfolio with the investment in the two securities is out-performer because of higher expected return than the SML. Therefore, the investment in the developed portfolio is worthy for increasing the return on the investment.

Reference no: EM132286603

Questions Cloud

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4/17/2019 10:24:29 PM

hello business case study on Finance my company COH kindly read the attached file. I have solved question 1 and 2 (excel file attached), 3rd question is related to question 2A and 2B. I have also attached student work on same company. But please do not copy anything from other student work nor paraphrase it. it is given only for an idea. try to make graph to explain it Do question 3 on Microsoft word and 3-4 references are okay- use Harvard referencing style.


4/17/2019 10:22:45 PM

Presentation, sources and written expression (Task 3a: 5 marks) Overall presentation is well organised and looks professional. All data sources and other references are provided where needed in appropriate format and detail. Use of language makes meaning consistently clear. There are no or very few grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (5 marks) Overall presentation is mostly well-organised and professional. All necessary data sources and other references are provided, mostly in appropriate positions, format and detail. Use of language makes meaning consistently clear. There are very few grammar, syntax and spelling errors. (4 marks)


4/17/2019 10:22:39 PM

MARKING CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Insightful and relevant discussion of risk and return (Task 3a: 10 marks) Accurately and comprehensively interprets all calculated risk and return measures. Correctly compares appropriate measures and explains differences, drawing on relevant theory. Accurately weaves relevant context (e.g. company industry, market conditions) into explanations. Uses tables or graphs effectively to enhance the discussion. Uses and explains relevant technical terms. (9 to 10 marks) Accurately interprets nearly all calculated risk and return measures. Correctly compares appropriate measures and explains differences, drawing on relevant theory. Weaves relevant context into explanations. Uses tables or graphs effectively to enhance the discussion. Uses and explains most relevant technical terms. (8 marks)


4/17/2019 10:22:31 PM

Marking criteria for risk and return estimates MARKING CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Good Accurate calculation of expected returns for companies and portfolio and accurate calculation of portfolio beta (Tasks 2a and 2b: 4 marks) Correct input data used. Technique and all final calculated figures are correct (4 marks) Mostly correct input data. Correct techniques and calculations. (3.5 marks) Correct input data. Mostly correct techniques and calculations. (2.5 marks).

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