Establishing male acting professional in the industry

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Reference no: EM131862767

Question: Women never stepped foot or acted on the stage until the 17th Century, during England's Restoration Period (though women had begun acting on French and Spanish stages earlier than that). A large part of that is due to the public impression acting had. Regardless of the gender, acting was often seen as an immoral profession for people. Actors were often categorized as thieves, prostitutes or other immoral and disreputable members of society. Unless an actor had achieved "star" status as an actor, he would often be considered low class. Women, during many of these times, were expected to be wives and mothers - definitely not actresses. If actresses were to be considered respectable, they had to be married to another member of the acting company or an established "male" acting professional in the industry.

This journal assignment requires you to address the following questions:

• in your opinion, is acting considered a "good" profession (regardless of gender) or does it still have a taint of immorality attached to it?

• why or why not?

• as part of your response, select an actor or actress as an example (if you believe acting is a good profession, then include an actor that you feel is a representation of that "good" profession, if you feel acting is still not a good profession or are mixed about it, then cite a person that you feel tarnishes the reputation of acting)

• include an image or video link that demonstrates your explanation

Create your response, in the Assignment submission box below (not in the Comments field), as a journal or diary entry. This response will not be read by your fellow classmates. The journal should be 1-2 pages long, approximately 400-500 words minimum. Be careful of spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation proofread and edit your work as necessary. When including a video or internet link, please cite your sources.

Reference no: EM131862767

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