Establish understanding of hr preferences

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132996336

Assessment 3 - Project 2 - Develop human resources strategic plan


This is a continuation of the scenario in Assessment Task 2. The CEO has asked you facilitate a session with management team to consult them about, and document, their HR preferences, philosophies, values and policies.

Currently AWS has a student enrolment of 2,000 and approximately 50 training staff employed on sessional or full time basis, and 30 administration staff.

Over the next two years, the student numbers are expected to reduce due to the impact of COVID-19 on international student movement, and are expected to be around 1,200.

Part A: Role play - Establish understanding of HR preferences, philosophies, values and policies

You must conduct a meeting with the management team to identify immediate and future staffing needs to reduce turnover and cost per hire, as well as for succession planning.

During the meeting, you must:
• introduce the purpose of the meeting to the team
• seek the management team's inputs on their HR preferences, such as:
o numbers of staff for various roles
o number of women in various positions
o working hours and locations
o job roles and responsibilities
o knowledge and skills required
• discuss and agree on human resources philosophies and values that you will need to incorporate in your strategic plan
• make comprehensive notes of the discussion

This is a role play. You must play the role of the HR and Administration Manager. Your assessor will organise volunteers from your class to play the roles of four members of the management team. The volunteers will be given cue cards to guide their participation in the task.

In case the assessment is to be conducted online, you will need to ensure access to:
• a computer that has Internet access
• Online video conferencing software such as Zoom or Skype
• note pad and pen

Your assessor will organise a time and place for the role play, and during the role play, they will observe you, and record and assess your performance using the Role Play Observation Checklist below.

Prior to the assessment, read the Role Play Observation Checklist to identify the standard of performance required of you.

Part B: Develop strategic objectives and targets for human resource services Scenario
Having completed the necessary research and consultation, your next step is to develop the human resources strategic objectives and targets for the next 18 - 24 months, based on the agreed goals, and a strategic plan.

The broad human resources goals, as indicated in the scenario given in Assessment Task 1, are as follows:

• facilitate a flexible workforce to promote talent retention
• support the development of AWS as a learning organisation that is responsive to individual and organisational needs, achieve organisational goals and promote job satisfaction and retention
• provide high quality human resource services to the organisation
• ensure that AWS fulfils its statutory and audit requirements
• monitor organisational and individual performance
• identify, promote and implement improved policies and practices that demonstrate social, environmental and economic responsibility


Based on the information in the scenario above, as well as the report you have prepared in Assessment 2, identify strategic goals, objectives, and targets, as follows:

• select any three strategic goals (3) goals (based on your research report and the goals discussed and agreed during the meeting)
• for each goal develop at least two (2) objectives, ensuring they align with the organisation's vision and strategy
• set targets for each objective for year 1 and year 2
• note your goals, objectives and targets in the following format (one example has been given to you at the end of this task)

Part C: Conduct cost-benefit analysis of options for the provision of human resource services


AWS requires two IT specialists to facilitate the remote working team and online training and assessment delivery in the next six months.

You've been asked to conduct cost benefit analyses for the following options for the provision of human resource services:
• Hiring employees
• Engaging services of a consultant or contractor

You may use the following research provided to you in Appendix A to identify types of costs and benefits.

You are to research and identify at least two costs and two benefits of the two identified options.


For each option:

• research and identify two types of costs such as:
o Direct costs (e.g., costs of HR staff salary)
o Indirect costs (e.g. overheads, utilities, etc.)
o Costs associated with managing risks specific to opportunity (e.g. regulatory risk cost, insurance, business risk cost, etc.)

• research and identify two potential benefits (financial returns as well as non-financial benefits).

Then, make an assessment of the feasibility of each option, considering the type of positions to be filled, the duration of the employment and the nature of work.

Part D - Identify appropriate technology and systems to support agreed human resource programs and practices


AWS has kept a paper-based file for each employee with personal information, benefits forms, etc. This means that every two weeks the HR and Accounts officers spend several hours gathering payroll information, such as regular hours, overtime hours, vacation time and sick time that had been taken, etc. to process payroll.

The CEO has asked you to investigate the possibility automating some of these tasks. Even with a small number of employees, it might be easier for them to use some type of a human resource information system (HRIS). She has asked you, research and identify how technology and systems can support the HR strategic plan.


1. Research the following:
• What is a HR software solution? (40-50 words)
• What are the three main types of HR software solutions?
• Which type of solution is best suitable for AWS' situation?
• Provide three reasons why AWS should explore the option of purchasing an HRIS

2. Prepare a research report covering the information requested above, in no more than 500 words.

Part E - Develop the strategic human resource plan and obtain senior management support for the plan

The research report you have prepared in Assessment Task 2, outlining the identified human resources strategic directions; objectives and targets for AWS, and the detailed research you have conducted in Assessment Task 3 Parts A - D will help you develop and document the human resources strategic plan.

Complete the steps below.

1. Develop and write a human resources strategic plan for the AWS that demonstrates a clear alignment with the broader business objectives of AWS.

Use the Human Resources Strategic Plan Template in Appendix C to prepare your plan.

Include the outcomes of the research and documentation you have completed in Assessment 2 and Assessment 3, Parts A - D, in the strategy.

The plan should include the following:

a. A summary of the situation analysis, including economic conditions, political/legislative atmosphere, competitive climate, market conditions and trends in technology.
b. An internal analysis that centres on organisation culture, employee competencies and workforce composition.
c. Future demand for human resources considering the organisation's objectives, priorities, timeframes and budgets.
d. Forecast of supply based on labour market characteristics such as government regulations, pandemic lockdowns and options for the sourcing of labour, such as offshore employees.
e. Strategic goals, objectives and targets for human resources (as identified in Part B)
f. Recommendation of a recruitment strategy for IT staff (hiring or contracting) based on feasibility
g. Appropriate technology and systems to support agreed human resource programs and practices, such as using a human resource software solution.
h. Implementation plan (using the template in Appendix D) for the four objectives, including at least two of each of the following for every objective:
o performance indicators
o implementation strategies or actions to be taken
o resources required to implement
o personnel responsible
o monitoring activities
i. A budget for staff training programs, using the template in Appendix E, identifying costs based on topics for training, number of sessions, and number of participants.
j. A reference list identifying your research sources

2. Develop a risk management plan for the human resources strategy that demonstrates a clear alignment with the broader business objectives of AWS. You must use the template provided in Appendix F, and identify one legal, one WHS and one technology related risk.

3. Write a covering email to the CEO, attaching the human resources strategic plan and the risk management plan and seeking their approval for implementation of the plan.

In your email, you must briefly summarise the attachments you are submitting to the CEO. Your email should be written in an appropriate formal style using correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Attachment:- Manage human resources strategic planning.rar

Reference no: EM132996336

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