Reference no: EM131478737
Price Discovery in Commodity Markets
Commodity futures and cash prices are linked by no-arbitrage conditions, suggesting a long run relationship between price series. The no-arbitrage condition between cash and futures prices can be expressed as in (1), with Ft being the futures price at time t that matures at time T, St being the cash price at t, rt and wt being continuously compounded risk free interest rate and storage costs over time τ = T - t and yt being the convenience yield; a utility based rewards that accrues to the holder of inventories.
Ft,T = Ste(rt + wt - yt)τ (1)
Taking logs of (1), with τ = 1 for simplicity:
ft,t+1 = st + rt + wt - yt (2)
Interest rate and storage costs less convenience yield can be summarised as net-carry costs ct.
ft,t+1 = st + ct (3)
At maturity τ → 0 so that ft,t = st. Over a futures contract's life cycle (τ > 0), the futures and cash price can deviate by net-carry costs (and other random shocks).
Establish the relationship between a commodity futures price and its underlying physical price in three steps:
(i) Establish the order of integration of the futures and the physical price series.
(ii) Establish the lead-relationship between the futures and its underlying physical price.
(iii) Establish the relationship between the futures and its underlying physical price.
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