Reference no: EM133093448
Assume that you are organising NAIDOC week celebrations in your community centre. You are coordinating this for the first time as part of your in-service training. You are asked to collaborate with an Aboriginal community organisation in your region to plan and implement NAIDOC week celebrations at your centre in a culturally safe way.
1. How would you establish effective partnerships in relation to planning and implementing NAIDOC week celebrations at your centre with;
a. Staff
b. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
2. Identify two (2) resources you could access and use to promote partnerships between staff, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities. Provide an example for each resource and indicate how you would utilise these resources in the context of the NAIDOC week celebrations to be conducted at your centre.
3. Document strategies that would encourage self-determination and community control among the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the implementation of the program developed for clients.
4.Provide three (3) outcomes which can be achieved when implementing the cultural safety strategies in your service?
5. When will you review and measure outcomes of the cultural safety strategies you implemented for the service provision?
6.What method would you use to review and measure outcomes of the cultural safety strategies you implemented for the service provision?
7. Assume that the Aboriginal Liaison Officer reviewed your plan for NAIDOC week celebrations, customised program for clients and the proposed outcomes. The Aboriginal Liaison Officer asked you to include more information about the types of Aboriginal art forms you could use in facilitating the activities thus reducing the amount of text in the resources and conveying messages through pictures and videos Revise your planned strategies based on this evaluation and describe changes you have made in your plan and proposed outcomes.