Establish credibility with your audience

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131123951

# 1 RULES:

What are some ways that you can establish credibility with your audience? Why is that important in your speech?

Remember that your discussion response must include the following:

  1. A reflection on the concept we are discussing. Give us a summary of things you learned about this concept from your assigned chapter readings.
  2. A thorough example/discussion to support your reflection.
  3. A final statement that tells us what you take away from this week's lesson.
  4. Properly formatted in-text citations and references.
  5. Strong grammar, spelling, and mechanics.
  6. In total your discussion should be at least 250 words.


Good day everyone. Hope everyones having a great 4th. For this weeks discussion i will be talking about ways to establish credibility and why is it important. Credibility is depended on three main factors, personal, expertise, and the judgment of your audience. The questions you would ask yourself are "Am i sincere", "Am I honest", "Can i be considered as a reliable source", "Do I have the experience, knowledge, or even insight on what i am talking about", "Can my values, likes, dislikes, and/or experiences, relate to my audience. All of these questions a writer has to rake into consideration when wanting to have a good speech. Now making your speech credible through the audience eyes is a little different but not as much. The speaker or writer must trust, respect, and in a way like the audience. Trust that they are interested in your speech they can relate to it. Respect that they gave you the speaker the time of day or else you wouldn't have anyone to say your speech to. And like your audience because in an odd way both you and the audience have something in common. Because you and the audience are somewhat friend you as the speaker has to ensure the safety of your audience. Not in the sense of physical hurt but mental or spiritual hurt. Also bottom line is making the speech your own, and credits credible so that the audience can relate to it too. Establishing credibility is important because its attracts committed followers, enthusiastic lifestyle, and a continuing speech that people of many generations can relate too.

# 2 RULES:

Examine the guidelines for informative speaking and discuss the potential ethical or legal implications for inaccurate or misinformative speaking. Support your ideas with specific details from at least one real-world example.

Remember that your discussion response must include the following:

  1. A reflection on the concept we are discussing. Give us a summary of things you learned about this concept from your assigned chapter readings.
  2. A thorough example/discussion to support your reflection.
  3. A final statement that tells us what you take away from this week's lesson.
  4. Properly formatted in-text citations and references.
  5. Strong grammar, spelling, and mechanics.
  6. In total your discussion should be at least 250 words.


Examine the guidelines for informative speaking and discuss the potential ethical or legal implications for inaccurate or misinformative speaking. Support your ideas with specific details from at least one real-world example.

Remember that your discussion response must include the following:

  1. A reflection on the concept we are discussing. Give us a summary of things you learned about this concept from your assigned chapter readings.
  2. A thorough example/discussion to support your reflection.
  3. A final statement that tells us what you take away from this week's lesson.
  4. Properly formatted in-text citations and references.
  5. Strong grammar, spelling, and mechanics.
  6. In total your discussion should be at least 250 words.

Reference no: EM131123951

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