Establish and agree on the nature and details of conflict

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Reference no: EM133522517

Manage Conflict

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Question 1. Identify three common warning signs of conflict.

Question 2. Describe, in your own words, the five stages of conflict.

Question 3. List the four recognised levels of conflict.

Question 4. Identify three factors that can lead to conflict in a hospitality environment.

Question 5. Describe what conflict theory says about the results that come from dealing with conflict.

Question 6. Explain how the use of each of the following communication strategies can be effective in conflict situations.

Question 7. Describe how assertiveness and negotiation can be used as effective conflict resolution techniques.

Question 8. Identify four pieces of information you would expect to find in an organisation's policies and procedures for complaints, conflicts and dispute resolution.

Question 9. For each person/group below, identify one scenario where they may be required to assist in managing conflict.
Internal security staff
Other staff
Senior staff

Assessment Task 2: Practical task

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by resolving complex or escalated complaints and disputes with internal and external customers and colleagues. You will be required to complete a number of role plays and have your performance observed by the assessor.
You will need access to:
• your learning resources and other information for reference
• your Complaints Policy and Procedures
• your Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedures
• your Customer Service Policy and Procedures
• your Complaints Register template
• Incident report template
• a phone.


Complete the following activities.

1. Carefully read the following information.

Successful completion of this unit requires that you can resolve complex or escalated complaints and disputes with internal and external customers and colleagues.
You will need to participate in a number of role plays to demonstrate your skills and knowledge.
What do I need to demonstrate?
During your practical assessments, you will be required to demonstrate a range of the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These include:
• resolving escalated complaints or disputes with customers in relation to each of the following:
o problem or fault with product or service
o delays or poor timing of product or service supply
o misunderstanding of customer request or communication barrier
• resolving team member disputes in relation to:
o worker mistake
o dispute or argument among work colleagues
• taking appropriate action in response to the following threat or conflict situations:
o customer refusing to leave or be pacified
o people involved in physical violence
• using a range of conflict-resolution techniques and communication skills when seeking to resolve each of the above situations.
How will I provide evidence?
Your assessor will observe you throughout each role play. In most cases they will be participating in the role play as a customer or colleague.
They will complete a checklist to record their observations.

2. Role play 1.
Read the scenario.
You are working as the supervisor of the Bridge Hotel. It's Mother's Day and the kitchen has been under pressure since the early breakfast service. As part of the Bridge Hotel's Mother's Day promotion, the kitchen has been providing take away service for families who prefer to stay at home and celebrate. Customers who purchase take away can order from an ‘abbreviated' menu (meaning they do not have access to the full range of menu items as in-house diners) and the Bridge Hotel will have delivery drivers send out the meals.
The busy lunch service is almost over and you are just about ready to breathe a sigh of relief. One of the wait staff approaches you and hands you the phone. The customer on the other end of the line is not happy and this is the second time they have called today. They have asked to speak to the manager as no one else is able to help them.
The role play will begin at this stage.
During this role play you must:
• demonstrate effective communication skills when interacting with the customer
• take swift and tactful action to prevent escalation
• identify and use relevant resources (policies and procedures) to assist in managing conflict
• establish and agree on the nature and details of conflict
• determine impact of the conflict
• respond to the customer in a sensitive, courteous, respectful and discreet manner
• follow organisation procedures to address the conflict
• as the supervisor, determine your responsibility in regards to resolving this conflict by considering organisation procedures
• evaluate options in regards to resolving the conflict and implement the best solution.
At the end of the role play, you will need to complete the Complaints Register and document your ideas for improvement.
You will also need to write an email to the customer and ask them to provide you with feedback about the outcome. Ensure that this is written clearly, respectfully and professionally.

3. Role play 2.
To ensure realism, you will not be provided with any background information about this conflict situation. Your assessor will tell you where you need to stand at the beginning of the role play. You are then to respond to the situation as it unfolds.
During this role play you must:
• demonstrate effective communication skills when interacting with the customer
• take swift and tactful action to prevent escalation
• identify and use relevant resources (policies and procedures) to assist in managing conflict
• establish and agree on the nature and details of conflict with all parties and assess impact
• respond to the customer in a sensitive, courteous, respectful and discreet manner
• follow organisation procedures to address the conflict
• as the supervisor, determine your responsibility in regards to resolving this conflict by considering organisation procedures
• evaluate options in regards to resolving the conflict and implement the best solution.
At the end of the role play, you will need to complete the Complaints Register and document your ideas for improvement.
You will also need to write an email to the wait person involved that does the following:
• explains the importance of feedback and debriefing after a conflict
• provides feedback about their response to the conflict in regards to organisation policy and procedures
• discusses the impact of the situation in regards to Bridge Hotel's legal liability, had the customer become ill
• discusses the impact of the business's reputation should the customer go ahead with negative reviews on social media
• encourages them to provide you with feedback about the conflict and how it was resolved.

4. Role play 3.

This role play is linked to Role play 2 and occurs the next day. The same staff from the night before are coming in to start their shift.
Your assessor will provide you with some guidance about where you are to begin the role play.
During this role play you must:
• demonstrate effective communication skills when interacting with those involved
• identify potential for conflict
• take swift and tactful action to prevent escalation
• identify situations where personal safety of colleagues may be threatened and organise appropriate assistance
• identify and use relevant resources (policies and procedures) to assist in managing conflict
• establish and agree on the nature and details of conflict with all parties and assess impact
• manage conflict within scope of own role and responsibilities, and according to organisational procedures
• evaluate options to resolve the conflict in line with organisation policies and constraints
• seek to resolve a solution to this conflict
• implement the best solution based on the situation that is occurring and your responsibility to uphold organisation procedures.
Note that this role play will include some aggressiveness from a Bridge Hotel staff member who is under the influence of drugs. Speak to your assessor before if you are concerned or feel uncomfortable about this scenario.
At the end of the role play, you will need to complete an incident report that clearly details the situation that occurred. Use the Incident Report template to do this.

5. Reflection.

Meet with your assessor once all role plays are complete. This is an opportunity to reflect on your performance and how you felt you resolved the situations. You will also discuss the impacts of each situation and how this could have negatively affected the business had it not been resolved. Discuss any improvements you would make to your own performance and whether you feel that the solution was the most effective, based on the circumstances.

Discuss the causes of the conflicts that occurred and what you would do to make sure these do not happen again. You can refer to your Complaint Register for this part of the discussion.

Reference no: EM133522517

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