Establish an average acceleration

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM133954


Attempting to stop on a slippery road, a car moving at 85 skids across a road at a 30 angle to its initial motion, coming to a stop in 3.8.
Establish an average acceleration in, using a coordinate system with the axis in the direction of the car's original motion and the axis toward the side of the road to which the car skids.


In the absence of air resistance, if a ball is thrown vertically upward with a definite initial speed, on returning to its original level it will have the similar speed. When air resistance is a factor, will the ball be moving faster, same, or more slowly than its throwing speed when it gets back to the same level? Why give reason? (Physicists often use a "principle of exaggeration" to help them analyze a problem. Consider exaggerated case of a feather, not a ball, since the effect of air resistance on the feather is pronounced and therefore easier to visualize.)

Reference no: EM133954

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